Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog #2 Due: Monday 2/7/11

Refer to the "The Filipino and the Drunkard" to answer the following questions.

*Do you think it is acceptable to defend yourself even when you know there will be consequences? Provide reasons for your response.
*Is it in our nature to experience emotions-one thing which has been said to separate us from animals. Do you think that we must, as humans, control our emotions? Are there reasons why we should or shouldn't control our emotions? Explain and give reasons for your response.

Make sure your response answers both questions and is at least 5 sentences! These are controversial questions which should generate discussion-if you don't respond to someone then your not really making your voice HEARD. Respond at least twice!


Mrs. A. Thomas said...

I think the circumstance of the situation determines if a person should physically defend themselves or not. For example, if someone breaks into my home to harm me or my dogs I have the right to defend myself by any means possible.

I do think it is in our nature to experience emotions, but as humans we must learn how to control our emotions. Individuals who do not control their emotions show a lack of maturity. Similar to the Filipino in the story; if he would have controlled his rage he possibly would have been able to escape the Drunkard without causing harm.

tfowler3 said...

I think depending on what the situation is, and how bad it is, then I believe that it is perfectly okay to do whatever you have to do to keep yourself out of harm's way.

I think all humans should experience emotions. And I do think that we should control our emotions. If somebody makes you angry, you don't hold them at gunpoint. You have to control yourself. Because if you can't you could end up in jail or worse. I also think that it is okay to let people know what you think, to a certain extent anyway.

ACepeda3 said...

I think that you should really think about what thae situation is. You shouldn't get into a fight verdal or otherwise just for the sake of fighting. Just to give an example, my brother and I have verdal encounters every day however verdal encouters never go any further.

I in a way do believe that it is human nature to expiriance emotions. But, you do have to control them you can't be going crazy one min. and happy the next. You would just seem nuts. If the drunkard wouldn't have been so verbal with his dislikes and acted appon his disgust towards the Filipion.

twilliams03 said...

*1.I do think it would be acceptable because...then really has to depend what the situation is. Beacsue you never know how big or how samll the situation is,but on my behalf I would say yes. It is accepatble becasue just like in the story the filipino's situation was really serious he was being followed and nearly attacked by a drunk man. I mean i probably would have done the same thing for the sake of my life and the other passengers even thought they did not care that I, as the filipino was being harrased.
*2.I say yes as humans we should control our emotions because they could but should not pop out no where.For example say Lucy just gopt dumped before highschool graduation and while sitting in her chair waiting for her name to be called she beagins weeping because she got dumped.Thats what I mean when I say we should be able to hold and express those feelings at the right moment and time.Yes there are reason because your emotiions now can effect your emotions in the future.

ACepeda3 said...

Mrs. Thomas

You know about the right to bear arms right

Gcosta3 said...

Gabriel Costa
I think its perfectly fine to defend yourself if some one is trying to hurt you. Even thought there might be consequences it would be the right thing to do. If someone is coming after you with a knife wouldn't you want to defend yourself by dropkicking them?
Of course its our nature to experience emotions were human. Other animals don't have emotions, well not that i know of. of course we must control our emotion. we have to control our emotion because if we don't we would be a sensitive cry baby.Also nobody likes an emotional person. In the end its a normal part of life that we have to embrace.

Gcosta3 said...

I agree with you it depends on the situation.

Gcosta3 said...

I also think humans should controll their emotion or they might get carried away.

lmehan4 said...

I think it is acceptable to defend your self but it depends on the situation. In the Filipino and the drunkard story,if the drunk guy actually got into the stall, then I think it would be perfectly fine to hurt the drunk guy. Although if they are not causing harm to you, then I don't think you should do it.

Yes it is our nature to experience emotions.I think we should control our emotions, sometimes. If we don't control our emotions we will look different.

lmehan4 said...

I agree with you on all of these questions.

lmehan4 said...

We do need to control our emotions our else we look dumb!!

Dmcbroom2 said...

The situtation depends on how you defend your self. Say if a gang of people comes up to you and wont leave you alone. No it isnt far but you have to defend your self in these type of horrible siutation.

I think has a human being we all have some type of emotions and. Yes we should control at times, Because there are times and places to show how you really feel about things.

mcannon3 said...

Yes, I think it is appropriate to defend yourself even though there will be consequences. If somebody is about to kill you, your not just going to let them kill you. You have to try to stop them. I would rather have consequences than die. Also I think we should control our emotions. Its okay to let them out sometimes, but not to the point when someone could get hurt.

mcannon3 said...


I agree with you completley.

mcannon3 said...


Good explanation.

djknowles3 said...

The book I am reading is called "Trapped in deadth cave." The author's name is Bill wallace and I am on page 11. To me if there are consequences to a problem, it would be almost impossible to defend yourself because if you lie it will get bigger and bigger until until the consequences are high. I think humans should be able to express their emotions. If we didn't show our emotions then our feelings would be all piled up and we would act differently and maybe change ourselves.

djknowles3 said...

twilliams3, I got to agree with you, it all depends on the situation.

djknowles3 said...

tfowler3, What about if its not so bad.

Mrs. A. Thomas said...

Good points. I like that you brought up the consequences that can occur if someone does not control their emotions.

amonari2 said...

First Que: I think that it is. Because if somone touched me that i didnt want to touch me... Then i would get really mad. Probably hurt them.
Second Que: I think that we should comtrol our emotions. Because if they get too out of hand then

amonari2 said...

I think that you mae a very good point about the harms way thing you expressed your feelings really well.

amonari2 said...

Your right that it does depend on the situation because you dont want to hurt someone that just said you are dumb.

Dmcbroom2 said...

Yes we should control them. Like you said we all should have our emotions pop out of any where.

kmedero2 said...

I totally agree with you. You should be able to defend yourself, depending on the situation of course.

Dmcbroom2 said...

I fell the same about those type of situtions

cmartin2 said...

I tnink it was acceptable becuase if he did not defend himself he could got hurt or even killed. It i was him i would defend myself just like he did. I also think that he would not go to jail because he was just deffending himself.

I think as humans we should control are emotions because hen there would ba a lot of comotion.There could also be a lot of problems.

dtjohns2 said...

I think it is okay if you have to defend yourself under any circumstances. Especially like in the Filipino and the Drunkard, when someone is chasing/following you and no one stops the man. I would have done the same thing if i was the Filipino.

Yes in my oppinion we should, because if every one was mad all the time, or sad there would be alot of fights/arguments over simple things! It would be very dangerous to everyon.

Nreed2 said...

It is definently acceptable to defend yourself even with consequenses.I think that humans should control their emotions. Being able to control your emotions is important for more than one reason. One is say someone dies, you need to be able get over it and leave it as a memory and not dwell on the past. If your not able to control your emotions than your will get in many fights and most likely won't have any friends. Emotions don't have to be yhate they can also be love. When you love someone you have to be able to let them go if must.

twilliams03 said...

gcosta3, i do agree with thw whole dropkicking thing and i also do agree with you when you say it would be the right thing to do even if there were consequences.

khunziker3 said...

I think that the Flilipino was just defending himself. He warned the drunkard and he kept coming toward him. I think that we need to express our emotions but at the same time control them. What the kid did was human and you cant blame him. Nobody stood up to help him so he was left alone with a drink man that didnt know what he was doing.

twilliams03 said...

tfowler3, id do agree with depending on the situation because i also said that in my blog to but yes i do agree.

khunziker3 said...

That is exactly what I said and I totally agree.

lbrown4 said...

I think that it is reasonable to defend yourself reguardless of the consequences because sometimes you can protecting yourself is your first priority.

SMOUSHEY04 said...

I think its acceptable to defend yourself from something thats not your fault or something you didnt taunt.If he didnt defend himself he probably would of just got beat up.I think we shouldnt control our emotions because if your going through hard times you will be sad or angry.I think you should expresss your emotions so others know how your feeling. I always help my friends when there goin through hard times

kmedero2 said...

I think you should be able to defend yourself knowing there will be consequences to a certain extent. Like if somebody where to rob my house then yes, why not hit them with something. But if they were just to steal a pen then no, I don't think you should hit somebody.

I do think that it is our nature to express our emotions because if we didn't we might just all go crazy in a boring society, but to a certain extent. Without emotion we would go our days keeping things in and have a boring look on our faces. And as you would express your emotions you should be able to control them.

kmedero2 said...

I totally agree, Things can get out of hand.

SMOUSHEY04 said...

tfowler3 tottaly agree with you

SMOUSHEY04 said...

twilliams3 everyone says the same thing

KBroome04 said...

I honestly think that you have the right to defend yourself from anything. If someone breaks into your house or trys to harm you, you should not worry about the consequences. If they attack you or harm you, you should do whatever you have to do. Its their fault that they put you into the situation of harming them or you living.
I do believe as humans we experience emotions. We all though do have to learn to control them. If someone makes you angry you cant just attack them. What would the world be like if when anyone got mad we attacked each other like wild animals. Like in the story, we dont know what happend in the Drunkard life, or why he consumed so much alcohol. But, if the Drunkard would have stoped drinking soner he would not be dead because he wouldnt have done anything stupid. So, we are responsible of how we handel our emotions too.

KBroome04 said...

YOur statment about hitting someone with something made me laugh!

KBroome04 said...

I totally agree with everything you said.

sdeemer2 said...

I think that you should defend yourself if you are being hurt but not if you aren’t getting hurt. Like in "The Filipino and the Drunkard" if the dunk guy had gone in to the stall with the Filipino then he should have hurt the drunken. But since the drunken didn’t go into the stall then the Filipino shouldn’t have killed him.

I think it is our nature to experience emotions but we have to control our emotions. Like in the story the Filipino should have controlled himself to not kill the drunken. Also, the Filipino should have told someone that there was a drunken on the boat.

sdeemer2 said...

You make a good piont.

sdeemer2 said...

I thought the same thing.

ekeck04 said...

I totally agree! Everyone should stand up for themselves no matter the consequences that follow. Someone was going to get the consequences in "The Filipino and the Drunkard." One way or another someone was going to get hurt and the consequences that follow. So might as well go for it!

ekeck04 said...

Yes, most certainly there could be consequences!

amonari2 said...

First Que: I think that it is. Because if somone touched me that i didnt want to touch me... Then i would get really mad. Probably hurt them.
Second Que: I think that we should comtrol our emotions. Because if they get too out of hand then they might start to think that there emothions are real life and they really shouldn't do that. Maturity is something that you start to not have when you have your emotions get too out of hand.

jcsandercook2 said...

I think it is acceptable to defend yourself even if you know the consequences beacuse if you are being chased by a drunk man for no apperant reason and no one around you is helping you then you have every right to do something about it.I think we should control our emotions beacuse some times when your really mad at some one for no reason like the drunkard was you do stupid things and if the drunkard would of been in controll of his emotions then he could be alive right now and the fillipino would not of got sent to jail.

jcsandercook2 said...

twilliams03 i totally agree with you

jcsandercook2 said...

Mrs. A. Thomas yea i think he shouldnt of took it that far I mean one hit to the hand could of been enought.

cmazza3 said...

I believe that it is acceptable to defend yourself when there are going to be consiquinces, just not go all the way and kill the person like the Filipino did. I think that it is in nature to experience our emotions. As being a human we must learn to control these emotions, if not then bad things would happen all the time. If we don't control them then chaos will spread everywhere and no one will care if people die out of stealing a bag of chips. This is why it is important as being a human being to be responcible and take the blame for your over active emotions, if you have them.

cmazza3 said...

Your discussion is very thoughtful, I belive that you had great points to explain why you thought so on these questions.

cmazza3 said...

I also do believe that it is good to defend yourself if you are put in a bad situation. Good job on what you said about our human emotions.

crawls3 said...

It depends on who it is where you are what they are doing what your options are and also who is around.

For some people it is hard to control their emotions so it usually depends on the person and the people around them.

lbrown4 said...

In my opinion it is normal to experience emotions because it's apart of out human nature. Many times people cannot control their emotions so they do things without thinking about the consequences. Us as humans should know how to control our emotions at certain points of time. Not all emotions can be controlled, but most emotions can be tamed. Emotions like anger can be controlled by taking the time to think about your actions before you do them.

lbrown4 said...

I agree with what you are saying about defending yourself.

arhoades4 said...

I think it's acceptable to defend yourself under those circumstances. Wouldn't you rather defend yourself then someone beating you? I think in certian situtations that we should control our emotions sometimes. If you think someone or something is threatening your life then you really can and should be allowed to have your emotions be over ruled. I think that the Filipino did what he had to do for his saftey.

lbrown4 said...

Samehere. I think it all depends on what type of danger you are in for it to be acceptable to defend yourself.

aquest4 said...

Sometimes when you are in a situation where the consequences could be grave and someone isn't going home with a body part, that's when you should defend yourself. If you are in a situation where someone is drunk like in the story, you have an unfair advantage and the drunk person most often can't comprehend what they do.

Emotions are important to humans and controlling them is even more important. If we are civil with them human society shows it as a higher level of class. If the man just hid away and did not do something fatal, nothing would have happened. I also think in that time period, most people are racist and would have called it murder without putting in thought the harassment the man gave the Filipino

arhoades4 said...

I agree with you.

hfundenburg4 said...

*I think that it is acceptable to defend yourself if you are being attacked. If someone walking down the street just decides to chase you and strangle you, I think you would have to right to defend yourself.

*It is in our nature to experience emotions, but we should control them. Humans should control their emotions because if something gets out of hand, they could explode and go hurt someone or themselves.

Eswanson4 said...

**1.I believe that under extreme circumstances it is acceptable to defend yourself even if it means someone else gets hurt. I think this because if someone such as a murderer, robber.. etc attacks you then someone gets hurt , it is better them then you.
**2. Humans should experince emotions, but they need to control them too. If something gets out of hand emotions can turn very villant.

kyoung2 said...

The Filipino and the drunkard was a great story. I think when it comes down to a situation like that you should be able to defend yourself, but you should use every other reason and be smart and not go to the lavatory when you are being chased by a drunk. I mean I know that if I was in a situation like that after crapping my pants I probably would stab the drunken guy too. Yes it is in our nature to experience all emotions because if we don’t you will never be stronger person on the inside and those emotions are what separate us from animals. Yes as humans we should be able to control our emotions because most people who don’t always have mental breakdowns.

kyoung2 said...

i agree

Nreed2 said...

To Smoushey
I agree with you when you say thwt you will defend yourself, but i think you should control your emotions :P

kyoung2 said...

you have a good point

choner2 said...

*I think it is acceptable to defend ourself if something is wrong and someone is bothering you. Like in the story the old man was iritating the little boy and he was scared so he defended himself, I don't like that was wrong.
*Yes, I think it's in our nature to experience emotions, but sometimes I think we have to control them.Some humans can't control them because maybe it's to much on that one person. For an exple in the story Filipino and the Drunkard, the little boy in a way was wrong but then again he was defending himself.

choner2 said...

Mrs. A Thomas,
I really agree with Mrs. Thomas opinion.

Nreed2 said...

To Aquest
I agree with you and the racist part i didn't think about but is probably true.

choner2 said...

Good Opinion.

jfuentes3 said...

I honestly think that it is right to defend yourself. In this story, the boy has no choice but to fight. The Drunkard was attcking him, so in selfdefence, the boy killed him. The story might be grim, but i believe that he did the right thing in defending himself. And yes, emotions do seperate us from being animals. Although i guess that some animals do have emotions (ie. dogs) Humans are much stronger and are the line between animal and human.

jfuentes3 said...


interestin point

jdelgais said...

1)I think it is acceptable to defend yourself if there is consequences. I think so because its either you defend yourself or you die. I think the Filipino had a right to defend himeself because the drunkard was about to kill him. 2)It is our nature to experience emotions. Us humans do have to control our emotions because we can hurt people if we do not control our emotions and our emotions can be the best or worst of us. They're are no reasons that we should control our emotions becausewe cant, its impossible.

jblumer3 said...

1. Yes, I do believe it is acceptable to defend your self when there are consequences. I believe this because if you dont defend yourself then worse things can happen to you. In the story "The Filipino and the Drunkard" the little boy had the right to pull his kinfe out and kill the drunk man because he was being harrased. If he would have just stood there and did nothing his life could have been taken. If I were the little boy i would have done as he did.

2. Yes I think it is in our nature to experience emotions. I also think that we need to control our emotions because they could come out at any time and that could be the wrong time. Like if you were at a family reunion and you started crying over your boyfriend it could be bad. I think everyone should hold there emotions at times.

jfuentes3 said...


I totally agree

jdelgais3 said...

Thats a good way to put it.

jblumer3 said...

I agree with you.

aouellette3 said...

1). Yes i do think it is acceptable to defend yourself when you are being attacked or threatened. Knowing that there are consequences wouldn't bother me because i would rather have that then be dead. When you are being harrased you should be able to have the right to pull a knife or weapon on someone that is trying to harm you. Due to this the little boy made it out alive. He didn't die because he protected himself.
2). Yes i think that it is our nature to have emotions. I think this because our emotions are what makes us as humans. They come and go and it shows us who we are and our kind of character to do so. No we shouldn;'t control our emotions because it can protect us from harm coming our way. This is why i think emotions shouldnt be controled as humans.

jblumer3 said...

I agree with you completely.

dmcneil3 said...

1) Yes i think i was right to defend him self becuase he couldnt have just walk out of the stall and let the drunkard hurt him and i dont think any one els on this earth would let some one just harm them. i think it was very smart for the boy to carry a knife. in this case if the boy did not have the knife more harm could have happen(two the boy).

jdelgais3 said...

That's what I think to

bwagner2 said...

I think it would be okay because the drunken could of killed him. Also its okay to say to the police that the drunken attacked first. Emotions should get controled because you could accidently end up killing someone you dont mean to. Its good to defend yourself if someone started it first. Then you can let your emotions fly.

arhoades4 said...

I think you bring up good points. I agree with you.

hfundenburg4 said...

I strongly agree with you because we have the right to defend ourselves.

Eswanson04 said...

I am so with you and people have every right for self defense.

hfundenburg4 said...

I would do the same thing because if someone was touching me and I didn't want them to, there would be some problems.

rjames4 said...

Defending yourself has limits depending on what someone is doing to you. if someone is just bullying you you could defend yourself by pushing them away. However being bullied is different from being threatened. If someone is choking you i believe you have the right to defend yourself in any way possible.

Everyone experiences emotions it happens but we must know how to control them. people who cannot control emotion are bound to suffer consequences for it. you could be more or less mature depending on how much of what kind of emotion you are showing.

rjames4 said...

Acepeda3 i have to agree things go too far too often

rjames4 said...

Nreed2 it does depend on what you're defending

Eswanson04 said...

Yeah I get your point about the Flippiono. He should have told someone there was a drunk on the ship. However, most people wouldnt have done anything remember the bystander effect.

aouellette3 said...

I agree that emotions should be held in at inapropriate times.

aouellette3 said...

I agree that everyone should be able to defend themselves when they feel treatened, or unprotected.

gwest4 said...

In my oppion we all have a right to defend our slef even though there will be concaqunces. The Filipino had and exerside this right, the Drunkard had it coming from the beging when you mix ratel hate with the influnce of Acholo and the acrasive acts demonstarted by the drunkard were in the relm the Filipino's actions. I do think it is human nature to do thing like this, and then agin some times you just have to let youre emotions go and let the flight instangte take over and run. you have to pick your battals, if I was on that boat I would protect the poor Filipino man all he want to do is see his sick brother. I think the drunkard had it coming but then agin the way the Filipino killed the man was also brutle.

gwest4 said...

Mrs. A. Thomas
I agree but also when as you said some intends to harm you and no one is trying to help then I can see why the Filipino would have done this, Plus the story says the drunkard was bloking the only exit. Trust me its not a good feeling.

kfundenburg4 said...

I believe that it was acceptable for the Filipino to defend himself against the drunkard. Nobody on the ship would do anything. So he figured he had to stab this man with a knife to get him to stop harassing him. As humans I think we should control our emotions. However, I know it might be difficult at times to do so. If we control our emotions than good things may occur, but if we don't control these raging emotions then there will be no hope of sanity.

kfundenburg4 said...

I completley agree.

kfundenburg4 said...

Wow you wrote alot and I agree very much with your statement.

bwalton2 said...

I believe it is acceptable to defend yourself even if there are consequences because it's self defense. I think that we do need to be able to control our emotions. This is because we can't always be mad or sad, we have to be able to control it so that we aren't always rude to a bunch of people that care about you. We separate ourselves from animals because we are scared of them. Also we can't always be around them because you could be alergic to them.

bwalton2 said...

I agree with you.

bwalton2 said...

I agree with you too.

bwagner2 said...

tfowler3, I agree with you. You have good points.

bwagner2 said...

rjames4,That is a really good point.

ccastillo2 said...

i think it is ok to defend yourself under some circumstances like if you are getting attaced i think it is ok.yes i do think if their are consequences it is ok.

jtomlinson4 said...

I think it is acceptable to defend your self if there is no other way to get out of a situation. If someone is holding you captive and the only way you can get away is to use force then it will be fine. Yes, everyone shows some kind of motion. As humans we should hold in our emotions; let’s just say someone gets really mad and they want to hurt someone. If they don’t hold in their emotions there it will be a disaster.

djohns2 said...


I agree with you.

djohns2 said...


Good point! I agree with you.

gwest4 said...

Nice point

Rstrau2 said...

I think it is acceptable to defend your self even when you now you will have consequences. I think that in the story the little boy did the right thing. The reason is because if someone was coming to me and try to hurt me, I would fight back and try to same my self. I would not really try to kill them, but maybe just hurt them enough so i have the time to run away and get help. One example would be if someone tries to rub me or get into my house, i would call the police.
Sometimes you have to try and control your emotions. The reason is because if you over react to something more than it is necessary, would would look bad on you. But id someone would follow me and try to get my attention, I would start to walk faster call the policy and try to get to the closest house I can and save my self.

Rstrau2 said...

I agree with you big time. If we over react it shows that we are insecure about our selfs

Rstrau2 said...

I agree with you big time on that!

mogarro2 said...

Yes, I do think it is acceptable to defend yourself even when there will be consequences. I think so because I'd rather risk punishment than risk my life. Yes, I think that it is in our nature to experience emotions. As humans, i think we should control our emotions,but in my opinion, it depends on the place and time. No, I dont think there are specific reasons to control your emotions. I think it all depends on the person.

mogarro2 said...


I agree with you 100%...

mogarro2 said...


I agree with you. You do have to control yourself because, you could end up in trouble, whether its something small or something big like jail.

mbooth3 said...

I believe that a person has a right to defend themselves if they are in danger. That said, it depends on the situation the person is in. If it is unavoidable or there is a definite chance of that person or another person getting hurt, then it is perfectly fine for that person to fight back. For example, if someone has a gun and is threatening to shoot you; you kicking them and stealing their gun would be acceptable.

It is in every humans' nature to experience emotions; it is apart of us. Some emotions are easy to control and others are harder, like rage. In the Filipino and the Drunkard story the Filipino wasn't able to control his emotions or else he wouldn't have stabbed the Drunkard. If he could have, he might have just walked away from the situation.

mbooth3 said...

I agree with you. I believe that a life is way more important than any punishment; as long as that punishment isn't the death penalty.

mbooth3 said...

I don't think that is true. I believe that all animals experience some form of emotion. It may not be as great as our emotions but I believe they still have them.

scrossley4 said...

I think everyone should have the right to defend themselves but it is based on the suituation. like if they are just talking about you let them talk dont feel like you have to defend yourself by arguing. If they try to hurt you physcially then you have the right to defend yourself. If it comes down to the matter of life or dealth.I dont think we should not let our emotions lead us into things. Our emotions can be wrong or hurt us physcially also.

scrossley4 said...

tfowler3,I agree with both of your satements. You also gave a good example when you talked about emotion I could barely think of one good example.

scrossley4 said...

Acepeda3, I do agree with you also about both statements. I would like you to have more detail.

jwang4 said...

It would depend greatly on the situation. If you were being physically harmed, i think that it would be okay if you acted in self defence.

I believe that it is human nature to experience emotions. We have to learn to control our emotions. You cant be happy in one minute and sad the next. It would make you seem crazy. Id the drunk guy controlled his feelings toward the Filipino, he would have been still alive.

jwang4 said...

I complete agree with you. It always depend on the situation.

jwang4 said...

you have very good points

esmith2 said...

I think it is acceptable to defend your self of there is going to be consequences cause I would rather get grounded for a month that die but that’s just me

I think we should try to control are emotions because I would look really weird if you saw a 50 year old man crying

Hcormack4 said...

I wish that the world didn't have to ask us these questions, but anyway i believe it is acceptable to a point. if the outcome is worst than the action than no. Like in "The Filipino and the Drunkard" the out come was death for the drunkard, and quite possibly the same for the Filipino by law so in that instance no i do not believe that the self defense was completely justified.

it is quite obvious that it is in our DNA to have and experience emotion. Weather we express or hide it is a whole different ball game. We are only human but in certain situations we must hide our emotions from others. Like in a job interview you are professional so you have a greater chance at getting the job, Think about it, would you rather hire a carefree ,possibly irresponsible guy OR a professional, hard working guy? I don't know about you but i go with logic and would choose the professional, hard working guy, hoping that the situation is not ironic.(p.s.I believe that animals have emotions but express them in a differently than humans.)

Hcormack4 said...

~Mrs. Thomas
i would definitely defend my friends, family, teachers, and puppy(Revo)from anything that i can justifiably defend against.

Hcormack4 said...

i agree

eblasberg2 said...

Yes,I think it is acceptable to defend ourselves when were being attacked.But not kill the person like they did in the filipino and the drunkard.
We should try to control our emotions and it is good sometimes to let them out.But not to use those emotions and kill somebody who is bugging you. Just like in The Filipino and th Drunkard. Its wrong what he did. But really what choice did he have?

eblasberg2 said...

good point
i agree

eblasberg2 said...

Youre right.We should defend ourselves if someone else starts it.

lkarstrom3 said...

I think that if you are only defending yourself to save your life then it is totally acceptable to fight back physically. For example, If a man broke into my house and I was home alone I would have the right to fight back to get away from the man. Mostly, because a defenseless 14 year old vs. An older man isn't really comparable. Hopefully it wouldn't result in someone's death but, "you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do."

I believe in our nature we are supposed to experience emotions, but it’s how we express them. I think if we don't control our emotions it can result in many negative outcomes. People who can't express their emotions in a healthy manner are usually the ones who cause problems in the world. I believe if the drunkard could have kept his raciest comments to himself (even though he was drunk) both man and boy could have walked away clean.

lkarstrom3 said...

Nice reason:) Even though I don't think stealing a bag of chips is going to make someone kill someone else.

lkarstrom3 said...

You are completely right about circulating your emotions...I think expressing them to someone defiantly helps.

tyeasmin2 said...

If you kill someone, your life as you know it will end. ... The cost of defending yourself, even if you are innocent of the charges, is enormous. ... then cut there and then insert tip here, and the only consequences are you win! ...I do think it will be acceptable to defend yourself, when u know there might be such consequences.

Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
“There can be no knowledge without emotion. We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours. To the cognition of the brain must be added the experience of the soul.”
Well,I do think it is our nature to experience emotions but as human being we should probably know who to avoid or control our such terrifying emotions.

tyeasmin2 said...

If you kill someone, your life as you know it will end. ... The cost of defending yourself, even if you are innocent of the charges, is enormous. ... then cut there and then insert tip here, and the only consequences are you win! ...I do think it will be acceptable to defend yourself, when u know there might be such consequences.

Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
“There can be no knowledge without emotion. We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours. To the cognition of the brain must be added the experience of the soul.”
Well,I do think it is our nature to experience emotions but as human being we should probably know who to avoid or control our such terrifying emotions.

ale4 said...

I think that in some circumstances it is worth the consequences. In this case he had the right to stab the other guy.

I do think its our nature to experience emotions. We as humans should be learn to control our emotions. An example is when the Filipino got mad because of all the stuff the man was talking about him. We should learn to control our emotions because instead of stabbing the man. There as other solutions to it.

ale4 said...

I completely agree.

ale4 said...

I agree somewhat of what you said.

gfleck3 said...

I think that it depends on the situation but if someone is trying to harm you I think it is acceptable to defend your self. Yes, there will be consequences but at least your still alive. I think we should be able to experience emotions. I also think that we have to learn to control them because if we don't we will all go crazy. I think we should control them because if we don't then we might do something stupid.

gfleck3 said...

Well said.

gfleck3 said...


Ekeck04 said...

I think it is 100% acceptable to defend yourself in a situation, even if you know there will be consequnces. If you didn't defend yourself then what's the point in living your life? It's like putting yourself in to peril if your not going to even attempt to save yourself. What does it matter if you are going to have consequences following your actions to save yourself? You might as well have died if you're going to be scared of what might happen afterwards.

I think it is human nature to experience emotions. I also think we have to control our emotions if we want to get anywhere in life. People cannot just run around being bi-polar expecting to get everyone to be their friend. That's why bi-polar people must take medication. I think that the bottom line in lifeis controlling how you feel.when you need to let go and express your emotions there are specific times to do that kind of thing. You just have to know when and where.

jbills3 said...

The title of my book is The Bourne Identity. The author is Robert Ludlum. I am on page 54. Right now the main character found out part of his name. He was identified as Mr. J Bourne. He is at the bank to try to see what his past was like and what his real identity is.

jbills3 said...

~ djknowles3 Cool book

jbills3 said...

~aouellette3 I might read that

abonacci4 said...

*Yes, but perhaps you shouldn't fatally hurt them even if they are trying to fatally hurt you. this is because they probably don't know what they are doing, especially if they are drunk. *Yes it is in our nature to feel emotions, but I think that all animals feel emotions and that we just said that we don't want to live like filthy animals and that we wanted to become civilized. And yes I think that in some places we should hide our emotions because of the Bullying going on today. Also if we do not control our emotions then they might start to control our actions.

llindsey3 said...

Yes, i think it is fine to defend yourself when you know it will be consequences because its like you would rather be alive then die.
I think as humans we need to control our emotions because people kill other people and its just better to control our emotions. Yes, the reason we nned to control our emotions is because we will have more violence and deaths in the world.

llindsey3 said...

I totally agree with what you are saying!

llindsey3 said...

I think you are right with the defending part.

kbennett3 said...

I think it is acceptable to defend yourself. If you are being harrassed by someone who won't leave you alone especially a drunk person, you do what you have to do.
The consequences may be great but at least you stood up for yourself.

I think it is in our nature to experience emotions. Also i feel that we should control our emotions. If someone makes you mad you don't go and kill them. That's taking it too far. If someone hurts you its ok to let that person know without hurting them because something worse can happen to you.

kbennett3 said...

that's a nice example

bennett3 said...

what you said was very intersting

Tisom2 said...

Yes, I do think it is acceptable to defend yourself even when there will be consequences. I think so because I'd rather risk punishment than risk my life. Yes, I think that it is in our nature to experience emotions. I think we should control our emotions,but on my opinion, it depends the place and time. No, I dont think there are specific reasons to control your emotions. I think it all depends on the person.

dmcneil3 said...

I think all humans should experience emotions. But we can also control our emotions. If some one makes you happy your not going to stay quite your going to smile and laugh. If some one make you mad you dont hold them at gun point. So overall everyone should be able to express their emotions.

dmcneil3 said...

I totally agree with you.

dmcneil3 said...

You are very true. I agree.

tirwin3 said...

1* I believe that it is acceptable to defend your self to a certain extent, espesially if you are in danger because you could get hurt, but enen though their will be consequences, would you rather die or deal with the consequences.

2* I think that if you are freaking out and cant control your self remove yourself from the situation so it doesnt get you inot even more trouble than you already are in. And If their is no possible way too get out just ignore the sitiation until you can control your emotions.

tirwin3 said...


I totally agree with that.

asheehan3 said...

Referring to the Filipino and the Drunkard story, it is very acceptable to defend yourself. If someone is saying or acting like they will hurt you, it is acceptable for you to defend yourself to make sure you don't get hurt. I think that we can show our emotions but you have to make sure they are not crazy. You have to control your emotions but not so much that you don't cry when you're sad or laugh when you’re happy. If you don't control your emotions then many terrible things could happen. Also, if you control your emotions to much then you will be a blank person with no personality.

tirwin3 said...


I think that is also true because you have too defend yourself if your in danger.

asheehan3 said...

I totally agree with you!

ncurtis3 said...

I believe it depends on the situation. If a person is being physically harmed I believe it is okay to defend themselves. If someone is joking or playing around it wouldn't be the time to get defensive.

All humans should experience emotions. I do believ that we should be able to control our emotions and not get madd for stupid things.

alewis3 said...

1. Do you think it is acceptable to defend yourself even when you know there will be consequences? Provide reasons for your response.
- I think you should be able to defend yourself even if you know there will be conquenses because you never know what life has in store for you.
2. Is it in our nature to experience emotions-one thing which has been said to separate us from animals. Do you think that we must, as humans, control our emotions? Are there reasons why we should or shouldn't control our emotions.
- It depends on what that person is doing to them to make them get out of control.

ncurtis3 said...

Great answer.

ncurtis3 said...


jtomlinson4 said...

tfowler3: the sounds cool

gcosta3: i might read that book

Droller4 said...

I do think it is acceptable to defend yourself, even though you know there will be consequences. It wouldn't be fair to the Filipino if nobody helped, and the Drunkard started to get violent. At some point you have to draw a line between acceptable, and not acceptable. Depending on the situation we should usually try to contain our emotions, but if showing our emotions are well deserved, then so be it. You shouldn't have to hide your true emotions if someone is being racist, or said something that could have hurt you deeply. You should be free to express yourself.

Droller4 said...

T fowler, I agree with you.

Droller4 said...

A cepeda, I agree.

asheehan3 said...

I totally agree with you!

ebowers4 said...

1) I think if the situation is bad enough I would defend myself. If the person is calling me names then I would just walk away, but if they are trying to hurt me then, yes I would defend myself.
2) I think as humans we have the right to express our emotions, but we also have to learn to control our emotions. We all have the right to be heard, but sometimes we need to keep it to ourselves. But that is just what I think.

ebowers4 said...

I agree. I think we should defend ourselves if the situation depends on it and that we should have the right to speak our emotions.

ebowers4 said...

I agree with the first answer but not the second one. I think we should express our emotions all the time, just in moteration.

aadusiaw3 said...

I think it is acceptable to defend yourself even though you know there will be consequences because you have to defend yourself. If someone just comes up starts chasing you and attacks I think you better take action, like The Filipino and the Drunkard. But, if you just kill someone for fun like 38 who saw murder its a different story.

Yes, I know humans always have emotions,but if you can't control them especially at the wrong time then you are definately not mature. For example if you are at a funeral and and you start laughing because you didn't really like that person then that is inmature and you should have controlled it.

aadusiaw3 said...

I agree with you 100%

aadusiaw3 said...

Well said and I agree

tkeatley4 said...

Yes, it is very acceptable to defend themselves, usually. The antagonist also gets a consequence, which is the victim fighting back. The time where it isn't acceptable is when a naughty child is recieving a spankin'.

I think that it's completely normal to experience emotions. If we don't controll those emotions we could harm ourselves and others. We say bad things in arguments, but that's we control the emotions we feel at those times. If we didn't, we would have had a physical fight.

apinkney3 said...

*Yes because yo never know when something will get out of hand, and you or someone else will get severly hurt by so e crazy person.
*Yes it's in our nature, every one has them no matter what. We all should try and control our emotions because they can be a problem. Some people can control them better then others.

apinkney3 said...

I agree with yours, it does depend on the situation also.

apinkney said...

That's what i said!

alewis3 said...


I agree with your answer.

alewis3 said...


I strongly disagree with you because everbody should have the right to defend yourself no matter what the situation is about.

ayoung3 said...

I feel like it all depends on the situation. If it was a matter of life and death then yes, but if it was something to do with respect then no. For example, if Mrs. Thomas told me to pick up a paper, even if i didn't put it there i should pick it up and not argue with her, becuase i need to saty in a childs place. If i did argue with her i would recieve a referral being disrespectful when i could've just picked the paper up.

Yes i do believe is is in a human's nature to have emotions. As humans we need to know that there is a time and place for everything, so dont flare out with anger at a meeting with the president, or something

bclark3 said...

I think the human way is to survive at all costs. Exspecially if someone is trying to kill you. If someone just wants to fight, then killing someone should be a last resort. Nomadder what you do killing someone will have conoquences.

As for emotions. Its okay to feel because its only natural as a human. But if your making important decisions than all emotions should be put away. Without the will to put away emotions everything in life will be harder.

bclark3 said...

tfowler3, It is alright to let peoplle hear what you have to say but sometimes its better to not say anything at all.

ayoung3 said...

I totally agree humans do have to control their emotions because with no control anything can happen

bclark3 said...

acepeda3, I completely agree with your statement. Also when you have random moodswings you are called bipolar.

ayoung3 said...

I also think it's how you say how you feel becuase you might mean one thing, but the person you said it to may think you have an attitude when you didn't mean it that way.

aquest4 said...


I agree with you.

aquest4 said...


I think animals have emotions but not as advanced as ours.

Tisom2 said...


I totally agree with what you are saying!

Tisom2 said...


I agree!

Anonymous said...

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