Monday, March 16, 2015

Make up Blog Due: Friday 3/20 @ Midnight

Think about 1 or 2 characters in your book. How much do you personally agree or disagree with the way your chosen characters think and act in certain situations, or even just in general?  Where do you differ and why?

Make sure you include book title, author and current page number. Do not forget to comment on two classmates post.


Sbrown4 said...

I am Currently on page 15 of the book Unbelievable by Sara Shepard. One of the characters in my book is Aria Montgomery. I personally agree with the way she acts and thinks in situations like 60% of the time. The reason is because the way she thinks is different but when she acts out on stuff I would do the same thing most of the time when it really comes down to it. While I'm reading the book sometimes I'm like what.. Why would she do that!! but then I think about if I was in the situation and most of the time I would do the same thing. The part where I differ is when she thinks of ways to solve or fix things she like thinks about it for awhile where as mostly I wouldn't hesitate.

skkeys15 said...

I am currently reading COVER-UP MYSTERY AT THE SUPER BOWL By John Feinstein on page 32. I personally agree with the way he acts and thinks in situations. The reason is because he thinks smart when he plays football and he knows what to do. Sometimes my character he is lost and he doesn't know what to do. But he learns from his mistakes and plays.

@Sbrown4 Nice detail
@Sbrown4 Very descriptive and well done

clynch2 said...

In my book "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, I wouldn't agree with how Romeo handles his situations because he always makes it worse. For example, when Tybalt killed one of the guards, Romeo killed him which made him wanted because he wasn't apart of Juliet's side of the kingdom.

clynch2 said...

@Sbrown4 great blog
@skkeys15 sounds like a good book

hmaestre3 said...

i am currently reading Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss i am on pg. 216. i disagree with the way the mother acts making her youngest child stay behind. it to me is just not fair. Supposing i was in her position i would just give the kid a knife and tell h8im to explore, and stay close to the base/house.

hmaestre3 said...

nice book @Sbrown4 that sounds like a wonderful book!

hmaestre3 said...

@Skeys that sounds like a nice book!

jhearn3 said...

I'm reading Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, and I'm on page 57. One of the characters in my book is named Katniss Everdeen. I personally agree with her attitude and great personality. It is mean but caring at the same time, and she's brave. I too, have a great attitude, caring, and brave. The part were we differ is the brave and great personalities.

NJLewis4 said...

The was reading this book called Hero by Mike Lupica. But Im finished reading. How i think my character would handle a situation is very well. Because you know he's a superhero. Even thogh his dad recently died he has been handling his self well.

NJLewis4 said...

Great blog.@jhearn 3

jsmith4 said...

I am currently reading Rules by Cynthia Lord and I am on page 34. One of the main characters in my book is Catherine. As of right now, I don't quite agree with her attitude. I haven't gotten very far into the book yet so I don't have a lot to agree with. The main reason I don't agree with her is because she gets upset when she has to care for her autistic brother. So, she would rather be doing what she wants to do instead of what she needs to do. The part where I differ is the fact that she isn't very easy-going because I am the opposite. Well, for the most part.

NJLewis4 said...

Keep up the good work.

jsmith4 said...

NJLewis4, nice blog!

jsmith4 said...

hmaestre3, good job!

amountain4 said...

I am currently reading “Save the Cupcakes” by Lisa Papdemetriou and am on page 155. The main character is Hayley and she is mad that her parents got divorced. If my parents got divorced I would feel the same way. When her dad has a new girlfriend she is mad because she still wants her mom and dad to get back together. I agree with the way Hayley acts because she should have a say in what her parents do with their lives.

@skkeys15 Nice job!!

@sbrown4 Good work!!

aachristian4 said...

good work @sbrown4

OYakel4 said...

i am reading Passion by Lauren Kate and i am on page 148. i choose Luce as the character. i disagree with the way the character thinks and acts in the situation of how she plans on finding out the things she wants to know. everyone keeps telling her not to talk to her past self, that is is dangerous; but she never listens. if it were me, i would just stay close and not talk to anyone.

hmaestre3: Nice Blog!
skkeys: Good job!

awhitfield5 said...

I am currently reading Inkheart and I am on page 63. One of the characters in my book is Maggie. There is not much to agree or disagree on, all i know is that she loves books and is really smart. Id maybe agree on liking books, they can feed your imagination if you are bored.

@sbrown4 some people are like that
@clynch2 gotta love the classics though

Bmcphadden5 said...

I am currently reading Forged by fire by Sharon M. Draper, I am on page 150. I mainly agree with most of the decisions that Gerald has made. When his sister was getting sexually harassed he handled the situation pretty good. He went to his friends dad and told that him and his sister were getting abused. When he ran out of his aunts house when his Mom wanted him to come and live with him. I feel like he should've handled the situation better than running out.He should have talked to his mom about how he felt about him moving in with her after the incident. Choices that Gerald has made where pretty smart and good choices.

Good job on your blog.!

Good job on your blog.!

AFarlin5 said...

I am currently reading "The Daughters" by Joanna Philbin and I am on page 29. In my book there are 4 “main” characters and only two of them act like rude human beings and that would be Katia Summers and her daughter. They are stuck up and snobby but still act like humans. They act more like the popular and rich people who think that they can get everything in life because Katia is a super model. Her daughter on the other hand is still working on it and is slowly becoming snobbier and snobbier in the process.

AFarlin5 said...

@sbrown4 great job on your blog, i totally agree with you!

AFarlin5 said...

@clynch2 i love that book1

Treed6 said...

I am reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I am page 87. I tend to agree with the main character's choices. He takes the time to think about things. He doesn't rush into things and mess something up. HE is very intelligent. We tend to think the same way.

Treed6 said...

@Afarlin5 Great job on your blog!

Treed6 said...

@bmcphadden5 Nice job on your blog!

jwitter6 said...

I am currently reading "Black Duck" by Janet Taylor Lisle and i am finished with the book. In my book there are 2 characters that are a little too curious. Their names are Jeddy and Ruben, and when a dead body was found on shore of Rhode Island they get interested and nosey and investigate. If i were in the story i wouldn't investigate i would call the police and let them deal with it. I would also change their behavior toward the crime.

@AFarlin5- Good job!

@Bmcphadden5- sounds interesting

kberry2 said...

I am reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rolling and I have finished the book. I think along the same lines as Hermione Granger. She is the most studious of the three main characters, she gets good grades all the time though. I get good grades but I will never have her brains. She listens to the voice of reason more often than Harry and Ron, I listen to the voice of reason more often than I used too now. She is easy to understand and when she has an amazing idea that will help them on their journey she always docent say a thing about it untill she had done some research. I have lots of ideas myself though they seem pretty dumb.

That's pretty cool AFarlin5
That's a prettygoodbook awhitfield5

kyesbik6 said...

I am reading "The youngest templar orphan of destiny" by Michael P. Spradlin and I am on page 70. One of the characters I have chosen from my book is Tristan. I personally agree with the choices that Tristan has made because they seem like a good idea to help or get out of a situation they are in. Also they are the choices I would have chosen if I was in his situation. The other character I have chosen from my book is Robard. I disagree with the of the choices that he has made in the book. He had the chance to shoot the person that is hunting them down but he didn't because he thought he would miss. However Robard is a highly skilled kings archer so he wouldn't have missed the shot if he took it. If I was in his position I would have at least attempted to shoot the man chasing them.

kyesbik6 said...

Sbrown4: nice book your reading there

kyesbik6 said...

kberry2: interesting book

Bwilson2 said...

I'm reading QB1 by Mike Lupica. I'm On page 30. I Agree with the way Jake thinks because he is a good person and he is very laid back. He is also very smart but he kind of try's too hard to be great.

tdavis3 said...

I am currently on page 125 of the book Paper Towns by John Green. I agree with Margo getting revenge on her boyfriend and her bestfriend. Jase(her boyfriend) cheated on Margo with Becca so she decides to take Quentin on a night of revenge on people who has done wrongs.I agree how she chose to have a fun night on turning some wrongs into rights. I like how she is so rebellious in some situations. But I disagree with her breaking into Sea World. tdavis3

tdavis3 said...

that was so very descriptive

tdavis3 said...

Nicely done

sbarry1 said...

Eldest, Christopher Paolini, pg.539
One of the characters I choose for my blog is, Galbatorix I don’t agree with a lot of the things he does in this book. He is a wicked man that has no respect for anyone in his kingdom and only thinks about destroying anyone who gets in the way of what he wants. He goes after innocent people just because he feels they are a threat to him personally, he also has killed many of his people just to get one kid. I don’t agree with this character. My second character is Ormis, he is the last old rider and is very important to Eragon’s training. He is a very wise man that has many of secret talents that he still has to teach Eragon. I agree with a lot of the things he does because he knows best because he is so old. He has a very unique way of teaching Eragon and it seems to be working. He hasn’t hurt anything in his life non-needing to and he is also one of the main characters in this book.
good job @AFarlin5
nice blog @Afarlin5

VNelson2 said...

I am reading Daniel X 2 and am currently on page 21. There is really only one main character and that’s Daniel. I pretty much agree with Daniel’s way of thinking. Girls for example, Daniel is an alien hunter and is getting towards the very top of The List. These aliens Daniel is facing already know his strength and abilities. The aliens he’s facing can shape-shift. Alien number 6 shape-shifted into a cute new girl at school and Daniel made the mistake of following her into her room and sleeping over one night. Daniel eventually found out it was the alien and was captured and almost killed. So, all in all Daniel isn't dating girls anymore because he doesn't want the same thing to happen again.

VNelson2 said...

Great blog @AFarlin5
Perfect! @BMitchell2

BMitchell2 said...

I am reading QB1 by Mike Lupica and I am on page 22. There is one main character named Troy Cullen that I think a lot alike but some of the things he thinks about I just don’t understand. He thinks a lot about his actions like how other people will look at him differently after and I do the same. He also is always trying his best on the football field to impress his dad and I also always want to impress my dad on the football field. What I don’t agree with that Troy thinks about is that he is always thinking about how he can look good and how all the eyes can be on him and not worried about the team winning as much.

PBennis2 said...

I am currently reading "Evercrossed" by Elizabeth Chandler and I am on page 120. I disagree with the way the main character, Ivy, has acted towards situations. I believe she can be annoying in a sense that she is always getting people involved in her issues which only puts stress on other people. I would at least keep most of it to myself. I agree with the way the mother is taking in these things during situations. Even though she is stressed out, she manages to always be there for Ivy. And she works around these situations and finds a way to help.

| @Sbrown4 : Wonderful blog! |
| @CLynch2 : Great response! |

JGlover2 said...

I am reading “copper sun” by Sharon M. Draper, and I’m on page 55. I personally agree with my main character, Amari’s behavior because she does things in a way where she always thinks about all the possible solutions before she acts. In her case its really crucial that she thinks hard, fast, and skillfully because her actions can lead to one of two things: a link to good things, and a chain reaction of possible ways to escaped being enslaved, or it could lead to her being hurt, whipped, or even worse, her dying. In general, I think we have a lot in common because she does things that I probably would, for instance, on page 53, Amari didn’t speak English in her tribe where she was taken from, but when she realized the man who took her from the ships holding cell, as many other young women were token, she slowly realized he wasn’t going to hurt her, but help her to understand the language of the “white skinned people”, so since she didn’t know any English, she pointed at things and he told her the names and she repeated them back to him. That’s something that I would’ve done, because slowly but surely that would be the way to secretly know what the sailors who had captured them were saying to her. I differ the sailors in the story because they know that they were wrong for taking innocent people from various villages, and forcing them into captivity and hurting them, and giving them harsh food, clothing, and lifestyles. They took everything away from those poor, innocent families, and ripped their pride to shreds. They took away everything, I mean everything that once belonged to them in flesh, objects, etc.

BMitchell2 said...

VNelson2 good job.
SBarry1 good job.

JGlover2 said...

kberry2 good job!
skeys2 awesome!

tullah3 said...

the book i am currently reading is Downtown Boy by Juan Felipe Herrera, and I'm on page 101. The two characters choose are Jaunito and Armodio. I don't agree with the fear Juanito have in the boxing ring, he's very scared of his mother being even more mad at him because he's still boxing. I do agree agree with Juanito being a good student at school and having good grades while playing sports on the side. I don't agree with Armodio bullying Juanito sometimes, bullying is never good in any circumstance. I do like the confidence that Armodio have in the ring, he's not really afraid of anyone.

kmoore3 said...

The book i am reading is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and im on pg. 204. I personally agree with the way my main character Katniss acts. I agree because she's smart, she knows not to trust people in the Hunger Games, she's independent. She watches her back and works alone with no one's help. I think her actions are perfect with the story and the setting of the story, it's a free for all battle.

kmoore3 said...

@tullah3 great blog

tullah3 said...

skkeys15 sounds like a great book, good job on your blog too.

kmoore3 said...


kbutler3 said...

My book is Witch and Wizard by James Paterson. I am on page 63, I agree with both the main characters Wisty and Whit.They both have recently been stolen and taken to court the only thing I would have to disagree with is when whit in the middle of the quart room froze the gavel in mid air. when they are in middle of a trial to see if they are mystical/magical.Clearly he was brilliant (sarcasm)!!!!!

nkeidel3 said...

good job kylie smart ;)

tullah3 said...

nice book jhearn3 the movie is pretty cool too. have you seen it? i think Ktniss everdean is mean and caring too.

tbanks3 said...

The title of my book is First Team by Tim Green and I am currently on pg#267. I agree with my character and how he handles situations. When Brock is in a bad situation he is calm and tries to see the best of things and see how or what can he do to get out of it. For example when my character Brock got into an altercation with another student at school for looking at a girl he said "I am sorry man I didn't know that she was her girlfriend it won't happen again. Brock is an understanding guy and he don't wants to fight he's a talking person. Brock really doesn't get angry with people often if he gets mad it has to be a good reason. In my story I don't think Brock has ever gotten very mad at someone.

tbanks3 said...

Sbrown4 did good.

tbanks3 said...

jsmith4 did good.

SHenderson4 said...

I am currently reading the book "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky, page 51. One of the characters in my book is Sam. Sam is a girl who is a senior in high school, and she is really good friends (maybe more)with the main character, Charlie. Sam loves old music. she will dance and be overjoyed when she hears an old song that she likes. I personally like some old songs, I am not the folksy song lover, unfortunately. I think I would prefer modern music, personally.

Your character Aria seems interesting! Good blog!

I didn't know that was a book. I'll look for it, seems interesting!

gpanipinto4 said...

I am reading "Hoot" by Carl Hiaasen and am on page 49. Two characters that I agree with are Roy and Dana. They are two characters of the group that wants to save the birds that built their nest in an area that is under construction to build a new place. In general they're thoughtful people with a mindset that represents good. I like the way they think, animal habitats are more important then a new unneeded building.

@SHenderson4 Good job
SBrown4 Good response

TJohnson4 said...

I am currently reading The Big Time by Tim Green and I am on page 60. I agree with Ty Lewis, the main character, 80% of the time. He does everything that I would do in certain situations, except for a few things. When his brother got injured very badly in the game, I would've ran straight to him, no matter what anyone told me to do. Especially because Ty's parents died in a car crash, and his only other family had to move away because they were involved in the mafia. So I would've ran straight to him, because he is my only family left. Also when the nurse told him that he needs to call somebody, I would've said no because I would want to stay with my brother.

@clynch2 I wouldn't agree with the way he acts either.
@Sbrown4 Nice job on your blog!

Jsanford5 said...

I am currently reading Stung by Bethany Wiggins and on page 77. The characters that I will choose are Fiona and Bowen. I agree with how Fiona handles her situation as a hostage. She has the courage to escape so many times in so many ways. The only thing i disagree with is how she is a girl. I believe the story would be better if she was a boy because there are more physical actions in this story that would be better given to a boy. I agree with Bowen on how his character is set. He is the protaganist or antihero in this story. his name fits his character because bowen seems like a tuff name for a bad guy. His situation is to keep Fiona as hostage and when she tries to escape, Bowen is always the one ending up to get her because he is so good at it.

Aparker5 said...

I’m reading it’s not easy being mean by Lisi Harrison and I’m currently on page character I chose to talk about is Massie Block the leader of a group of girls called “the clique “in a school called OCD High School. I disagree with her personality in general because, she thinks the right thing to do is make herself look better than others in her school. She also bring people down so she can feel good about herself by telling people things like “you need a tic-tac! “ She cares about absolutely nothing in life but her weight, fashion and popularity. Being liked in OCD is the last thing on her mind, because cool points is more important. I think speaking your mind is good, but if it’s going to hurt someone its best to keep it in your mind.

Jsanford said...

Great job TJohnson on answering your blog.

JSanford5 said...

Wonderful job at answering your blog Aparker5.

emasio6 said...

The book I am currently reading is Jackpot by Gordon Korman, and I am on page 90. The character I am the most different from is Melissa Dukakis. I am different from her because she probably knows everything anyone would need to know about computers and more. The character I am most like is Pitch Benson. We are alike because we are both adventurous, and we both take risks.

emasio6 said...

jsanford5: good job. keep up the good work

aparker5: good job on your blog

ABedard6 said...

I am currently reading The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan and I'm on page 147. The character I am choosing is Percy Jackson. I fully agree with his decisions throughout the book. In the book he decides to risk his life throughout the book. There was only one time that i disagreed with him and that was because he went alone at one point. I disagreed because you should always have someone with you no matter what.

ABedard6 said...

Sbrown4: Great blog!
skkeys15: Sounds like a good book!

snturner3 said...

I was reading Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle, but I finished it. The main character in Lauren Myracle's portion of the story was Adeline Lindsey, also known as Addie. I disagree with Addie's behavior because she's querulous and self centered. I believe selflessness is really important when surrounded by caring people. In a way, selflessness seems to me like the way you repay those close to you. Also, self centered people like Addie are the type of people no one wants to be around because they feel negative feelings around them. If I was like Addie I would realize that I'm loosing people because of my actions, and then I'd become lonely.

snturner3 said...

@clynch2 It's so awesome to see peers reading Shakespeare! :D

snturner3 said...

@kberry2 Awesome job on the blog, I really like your response!

steven hern said...

i am reading the sorceress and i like where my characters are at the only thing i would really change is probably how fast one of them ages seriously its only been three days and hes already like 85 years old

jhearn3 said...

@kmoore3 Omg I Read That Book ! It's GOPD Huh ?!

jhearn3 said...

@tullah Good Job !

amoskalenko5 said...

I finished The scorch trials by James Dashner. I dont like how the main character, thomas, lets himself be betrayed so much when he should know something is up. I also think it would be cool if he regained some of his memories at the end of the series.

@Sbrown4 Good job

@skkeys1or5 Nice job on your blog

Aevillanueva5 said...

Th e book I am reading is called summer ball by Mike Lupica and I am on page 5. The person that I was think is is Danny walker. I agree with the way he was chosen in certain situation. His dad played for and Collage basketball team called the North Carolina Tar Heels. In the book it said that Danny walker only play one sport and it was basketball.

VNelson2 great book and blog
AFarlin5 good job on your blog

TsFuller6 said...

I am Reading “The son” I am currently on page 100. I personally agree with the way my character acts in my book. My character name is Jonas. Jonas Is strong for his age he experiences different things compared to the other people in the “community” that he lives in. For example, when Jonas first started to see color he thought he was going crazy. Jonas experienced what it feels like to actually love someone or adore someone, but he couldn’t tell anyone about it or he would be sent to elsewhere that would put him in danger. Jonas is a smart 12 yr. old and is faced with a lot of things … It was only the beginning.

Tsfuller6 said...

@ ABedard6 great blog! hope you're enjoying your book.

Tsfuller6 said...

@ clynch2 good blog! sounds interesting keep it up.

alandi4 said...

I am currently reading The Raft by S.A. Bodeen, and I am on page 56. One of the characters in my book is Robie. She is a 15 year old who thinks she can do anything by herself. I think this character and I do make some of the same decisions when it comes to being independent, But in bad situations the character does not do the right things. Instead of getting help she lies and tries to get out of it herself. Another character in my book is Aj. Aj is Robie's aunt, the way Aj handles situations is definitely more laid back. We would differ in situations because she doesn't really follow through with certain ideas.

alandi4 said...

Sbrown4~ Sounds good!

Afarlin5~ Good job!

ddallas5 said...

The book I am reading is true legend and I’m on page 35. My main character is Darrel. I don’t fully agree on his personality. The reason I don’t because he don’t really care about anything but basketball and himself. Darrel and I are different in the selfish way because I care about a lot of people. We are the same in the sports way because I like playing sports.

sbrown4 great job keep up the goo work

skkeys15 i think i read that book good job though

JATWOOD3 said...

The book I'm currently reading is Masterpiece by Elise Broach and I am on page 62. One of the characters is James. I am not really the same as James. James's parents recently got divorced and he wasn't that said. When my parents got divorced cried. James has emotion but for some reason does not show it. But some of his other decisions I kind of agree with. There no specific details I just think we have similar mind sets. We both have the mentality ''whatever happens,happens.''

JATWOOD3 said...

@sbrown4 good detail.

@skkeys15 keep up the good work.

cbascom6 said...

I just got done reading Search For Safety by John Langan. The book was really good. The main character is Ben. His mother just recently married a man name Larry. Larry wwould abuse them and beat them up. Ben would never tell people for help. I don't agree with him I would ask for help. But at the end of the book he stepped up and told his principal what was happening.

cbascom6 said...

Jawood3 awesome blog

Ddallas5 nice job

dsmith4 said...

I'm currently reading It's a Mall World After All by Janette Rallison and I'm on page 4. I agree with the way the main character Charlotte acts/think in certain situations. I actually wouldn't differ because in this one situation where she sees her friends boyfriend talking and "flirting" with another girl. She sorta just keeps her eye on him and his friend that are hanging with two other girls. I wouldn't differ because if I seen my best friend boyfriend talking and all up on another girl other than my friend in public I would sorta spy to see what's going in just in case it's serious.

Jateood3 great details
Ddallas5 nice job keep up the work

jnias4 said...

I am currently reading Seal Team 6 by John Cabet. The main chracter I am going to be is George. George is a Master Gunnery Sergent in the Marine Corps. He has served three tours of duty. He was one of the few selected to become a Navy Seal . The last year of his contract Purple Heart.he was selected to go on the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden. Later that year he was awarded with a

fwbougher said...

I am currently reading my ishmael by Daniel Quinn and i am on page 250. I personally disagree with ishmael, on the basis that he is an incredibly wise creature. He should be having somebody to write down what he has to say. He instead trusts that people will just spread his knowledge on their own. Seeing how he is a telepathic gorilla he can't really go out on his own and share his knowledge, so why can't he have one of his pupils write down what he says to them?

fwbougher said...

does commenting twice on the same blog count for 2 comments? if so I've been gong about this all wrong!

fwbougher said...

Love your name. Not sure why but clynch just sounds so cool

jmartin3 said...

I am currently on page 10 in the book caught by Margaret Peterson. one of the characters that I picked was Jonah I agree with how he thinks. he is kind of scared because time stopped and know one knows what's going on. If I was still moving when time stopped I would wondering what's about to happen to me. what's going to happen to everything. I would be scared to death. where I differ is if I would be able to do anything about it because I know nothing about time travel and that's what they do to solve their problem.

jmartin3 said...

JAKEATWOOD good joob

jmartin3 said...

skkeys great job I just read that book

hmoorer3 said...

The book i am reading is Nerds by michael buckley. I am currently on page four. The book can be described as a james bond parody and a very secretive setting. I peronaly agree with sending in child spies because its the last thing the enemy will expect. It will also make them difficult to detect and easier to deploy in a mission.

hmoorer3 said...

nice one sbrown4
good job clynch2