Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog #10 Due: Monday 4/15/13

We have really been focusing on preparing for the FCAT and how to play their game.  For this weeks blog, I want you to post 2 or 3 tips and/or strategies you are going to use to make sure you are successful on the FCAT.  Make sure your response is 5-7 sentences long.  Also, make sure to comment on 2 classmates posts. 


bmendoza5 said...

I know the FCAT's game, i've played it for years. There are 4-5 strategies I use for the FCAT. I usually will read the passage two or three times. I usually have to read it two times to understand it completely. Another strategy I use, is to use process of elimination. Every time I read an answer that doesn't make sense, I cross it off (mentally, you can't write on the FCAT).

nluna6 said...

I have never done FCAT. But I know that FCAT will always try to trick everyone. 2 strategies that I will definitely use is re-read my questions 3 times until I understand what the question is asking. I would also use process of elimination, if something doesn't make sense then check the other answers.

I totally agree. I would use those. I think you will do good on FCAT with those strategies(:

smwilliams2 said...

There are many strategies I have found out to work the best. UNNRAVEL seems to really help me. It helps me prep the question and break it down. Another tip that is good is to read the questions before the passage so you know what to look for. You may also lightly underline in your passage the main idea and or the theme those are big questions the FCAT like to give.

smwilliams2 said...

thanks that really helps

good job

sfreer2 said...

for this FCAT i am going to tell you three strategies that work the best for me. step 1 is go to sleep early and getting rest. step 2 would be show up to school on time and not tired. step 3 the best tip is to UNNRAVEL it helps me the most

pblangor5 said...

There are several ways to prepare for the FCAT. One way to prepare is to get a good night sleep. You can't expect to pass the test if you're sleeping on it. Second you should get a great healthy breakfast, like eggs with orange juice with a side of buttered toast. There are more ways to prepare but these are the most simplest ways. Good luck!

sfreer2 said...

good job good tips

sfreer2 said...

good job

tdcole6 said...

There are many tips I will use to make sure I do good on the FCAT. One great way to make sure I do good on the FCAT is the UNRAVEL strategy. Antother great strategy I will use is to read the questions before I read the story. This will help me because I will know what I'm looking for when I'm reading. But the easiest and best strategy that I will use is just looking back in the story. You would be amazed to how much this helps me.

tdcole6 said...

Great job!

tdcole6 said...

Great tips I will use them.

IRivera2 said...

I think the FCAT is a pretty easy game, as long as you know how to play.These are some of strategies I use on the FCAT. Some easy strategies is to get good sleep the night before. Also eat a good breakfast so your brain won't be focusing on your empty stomach so then is will be focused on the FCAT. During the READING FCAT you should read the questions first so you know what you're looking for.


great strategies!

i totes agree

BCampbell5 said...

Like everyone said the FCAT always tries to trick you... ALWAYS. What I do on the FCAT is first I get a good night rest, I mean there is nothing wrong with that. Second I wake up making sure i have a little bit of extra, extra, extra, extra time to eat a healthy breakfast and review a little bit before leaving. After my little study session i go to school and study a little more before the FCAT so i refresh my mind. During the test I read the questions first then read. A good way to study is FCAT explorer. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!

BCampbell5 said...

Great blog and I might use your idea

Good job

bsammel5 said...

FCAT has come again. I don't like the FCAT but we all have to do it and do it well. So let us let this year be the twelfth or so year that Fort Clarke gets an "A”. Some ways we can have this year be a success are getting a lot of sleep, elimination and not stressing out. If you stay up too late you will be tired and your brain will not function well and you will do a bad job on FCAT. Also sometimes FCAT questions will be worded in an odd way. Eliminating the obviously wrong answers will help you pick out the correct answers. I am one of those people that will get stressed during a test. I calm down by closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. Good luck everyone!
Thank you for the luck!
Do not worry. You will do fine on FCAT.

Nhutto2 said...

I have taken FCAT for years, and over that time have come up with different strategies to be successful. The first strategy I use is reading the questions before reading the passage. That way, you will know what to look for when you are reading and you won't have to go back as much. Also, you can mark or underline questions and parts of the passage to help you to understand it better. My last tip is to use the process of elimination. If you know an answer is wrong, cross it off. Those are my 3 tips for taking the FCAT.

Nhutto2 said...

Those are some good tips.

Lmiller2 said...

#1 always write notes on your hand ;)#2 look over to the person next to you and ask for help#3bring in the watch with the calculator on it. Those are the best but here are three that kind of help #1sleep well#2eat well#3study past taken notes.

Nhutto2 said...

I will use those when I take the FCAT

Nhutto2 said...

I will definitely use those strategies on the FCAT.

jphan2 said...

FCAT likes to play tricks on us, often in reading. Some tips and stradtegies are that you have to stay postive and confident to get that goal. Another stratedgy is to get a lot of sleep the night before. Another way is to eat a big breakfast that way you're not hungry during the test or youi'll be focusing on that instead of the test. There are a lot of stratedgies for FCAT but these are the ones I'm going to do.

WDalluge2 said...

#1:I am going to read the questions first before I even read the stroy.
#2:I am going to use UNRAVVEL for the stories.
#3:I will HAVE to get a good night sleep for the next day for the FCAT.If you don't your body will become tired and it will be focusing on that.And I will eat that morning so I won't be hungry.

Nice post.

Those are good tips bro.

jphan2 said...


Good job!!

asantacroce2 said...

Two to three things I do on the day(s) of FCAT is one, to always relax don’t get so stressed out, be happy because when it is over you’re done for the year. Two Have a big breakfast, and bring a snack it isn’t good to test on an empty stomach. Last, Great a good night sleep don’t, go to bed at like 12 o’clock at night it isn’t good for you. This what I do for FCAT and I hope it works for you.



mvang05 said...

The strategy’s I will be using would probably be Unraveling and relaxing. I like to relax during the FCAT so you can still concentrate on reading. Reading carefully and re reading is a good idea too. I know for sure I am going to be doing those things to.

pblangor5 said...

You're right about FCAT tricking you. Most of the times you know the answer but between the question there is something you miss almost every time.

OPanchal5 said...

I also know the FCAT game. Its just like Call of Duty. Anyway, there are two tips I usually have to pass FCAT. One, there's process of elimination I use with the questions. Two, I use up relaxation. That helps so you don't panic and mess up your surroundings. That's my things to help whoever in the world in reading this.

OPanchal5 said...


You are lacking skills on your sentences o smart one.

OPanchal5 said...


You did an okay job.

wperkins6 said...

There are many strategies to get you a good grade on the FCAT. One strategy I learned in elementary was how to UNRAAVEL. This phrase stands for underline the title, now predict, read the question, are you reading the questions, are the important, venture through the passage, eliminate all the wrong answers, and let the questions be answered. Another strategy is a math one which is FOIL. This stands for first, outer, inner, and last.

wperkins6 said...

bmendoza5 I use those strategies!

wperkins6 said...

nluna6 I did not know you never did FCAT.

arockett said...

Three things im going to use for FCAT is to get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep can relax your body so when you wake up you aren’t all grouchy and all you are focusing on is sleeping. Also eating a good nutrient breakfast. Because when you do your brain isn’t thinking about food and eating. The last thing I am going to do is do the things we did in Mrs. A Thomas like vivid sleeping and etc things. These are all things that can help me out with FCAT.
@nluna6 good stuff!
@bmendoza niiiceee!

DMcKnight2 said...

I have taken the FCAT for years. 2 strategies. First I will use is rereading the question. The sencond is choosing the best answer. Those are my FCAT strategies.

DMcKnight2 said...

nluna6 Great strategies.

DMcKnight2 said...

smwilliams2 Great strategies.

aswilson6 said...

Fcat is a hard but tricky test. There isn't a way to really study for the fcat but here are some tips that's help me.The first one that I have been trying to do is release stress. Another tip is to go with your first answer and don't second guess yourself. Lastly I would eliminate wrong answers and read the questions very carefully. Yes fcat can be tricky but if you take your time you will do fine. GOOD LUCK on Monday!!!!!

aswilson6 said...

@Smwilliam2 good Blog
@ nluna6 good luck great tips/strategy

CWALKER5 said...

"I know the FCAT is nerve racking, and at times really hard :D . But on the other hand I have extra time, sooo. Ya."

Well, When taking a big test like the FCAT I think you should use Mrs.A Thomas's idea of take deep breaths. Or (I my favor mostly) take your time and pace your self, making sure you answer each ? to the fullest of your ability.

CWALKER5 said...

You really haven't taken the FCAT before? Hows about a test like it in a different state or something?

I agree with the first thing u said. Sleep is very important for a test like the FCAT.

cdayawon-bobbitt5 said...

FCAT is no joke. It's sapose to manipulate you in so many ways, So the 2 things I would do are deep breathing while counting to 10, and just keep an open mind. Even though it's one of the biggest test to take in school, you can make yourself think its just an ordinary test. that way your in the right mind set.

jjones6 said...

My strategy of the FCAT is Navy SEAL sniper training. This requires clearing your mind of every thing and only focus on just one task at a time. Never think ahead because you get distracted. Thinking ahead will stress you out because you start thinking about how much there is. Then it starts to become overwhelming. You just need there and think about one thing.

jjones6 said...

@bmendoza5 good post.

jjones6 said...

@nluna6 good idea.

human5 said...

I am going to use strategies like unravel. I will also do things like read the questions before reading the story. I will do this because I will know what to look for when reading the story. I will also read the passage at least to times so I know that I have retained the knowledge. Lastly I use process of elimination, because it eliminates the answers that make know sense.

human5 said...

jjones6: I will use those

bmendoza5: Good job

mruvio6 said...

What I am going to do to make sure I do good for Fcat is one get goodnights sleep because I don’t want to be tired when I’m taking it. I will also read all the questions and underline keywords. Another thing I will do when taking it is take my time and go back when I’m finished. I’ve done this since third grade if I could do it then I can defiantly do it now. I knew everyone is going to do great, good luck!

mruvio6 said...

bmendoza5 Yours is really helpful.

nluna6 Good job and good luck!

ccummings5 said...

FCAT is the test everyone is nervous about. One of the strategies I use to do well on FCAT is to sleep well the night before the test, I'm able to concentrate on the test more than how tired I am. Another strategy I use is to read the questions before the passages, when I read the questions I know what to look for. Also, once I do read the passage, I read it twice, that way I completely know what it says. Those strategies really help me do well on the test.

ccummings5 said...


Good strategies.

ccummings5 said...


Good blog

EPata2 said...

I really don't understand the FCAT game yet because I've only had its 3 times but I believe their are things that can help you feel more comfortable taking the test. The first thing would have to be to get a GOOD NIGHT SLEEP because you brain cant be at 100% without at least 8 hours of sleep. Another strategy would be to find things that relieve stress and that remove tenseness. The last strategy would be not to day dream or get side tracked because you have to remember that you are on a time limit. Bottom line is be enthusiastic about it and focus because you have a better chance passing that way.

EPata2 said...



EPata2 said...

@ Nhutto2

Nice information.

kcarnes5 said...

I know many strategies for the Fcat that are usefull. The main strategie I use is probally process of elimination. process of elimination is where you cross out anwsers you know is wrong then choose the BEST anwser. I also use the strategie where you look at your questions before reading the passage. My last strategie is if all else fails and im stressing out I find my "happy place" and try to relax.

Bmendoza5-Good blog great job
Sfreer-2-Work harder next time on grammer

zbauer5 said...

The fcat is a standardized test, also it's moderately easy. One thing you can do is get a good night sleep. Another thing you can do is relieve stress. The last strategy is to focus. I've only done one of those.

zbauer5 said...

good blog

zbauer5 said...

good blog

ssorgi5 said...

There are about three main strategies I use on the FCAT. The first one is process of elimination. I basically take out the false answers. If I can't focus I close my eyes and count to ten. On the reading I like to read the questions before I read the passage.

ssorgi5 said...

@bmendoza5 usually I have to read it twice to.
@nluna6 don't be worried It isn't hard if you do not get worried.

mquinn6 said...

I have two main strategies for the FCAT that i always use. One is that to go over and re-read the question for making your final answer.This is important because you just scan the question you might not see the real question its asking you.The other one is to double check on your answer and math.This is also important because even the simple mistake in a math problem can get you another answer.

mquinn6 said...

@bcampbell5 and @irivera2 good job on your strategies and post

eyakel6 said...

the FCAT is a tricky test to take. 3 strategies i have is 1 to get plenty of rest. 2 read the questions carefully and as many times as need to understand. 3 check your work twice or three times to make sure you have the answer you want. those are just some of the tips i have off the top of my head.

nhamilton2 said...

Some strategies for Fcat can be relaxing or or just being smarts. A relaxing strategy can be to breathe deeply. Also you can stretch or tense and relax your body. This helps with stress. Also when using your smarts it is good to look at the questions before reading the passage. That way you know what to look for in the passage.

nluna Just curios how haven't you taken the fcat did you come from another state?

Swilliams Thats a good strategy

eyakel6 said...

great tip very helpful.

eyakel6 said...


your tip is very useful when taking a big test like the FCAT.

fgoetz2 said...

The Fcat is very tricky and it is not easy to play their game. But their are some, like reading the questions before you read the passage, or read the passage a couple of times. Another way is to even re read the questions a couple of times. Even using something as process of elimination will help you during the Fcat. I hope i do well.....

fgoetz2 said...


Totally agree

fgoetz2 said...

How have you not done the Fcat and your in 8th grade......

ahutto5 said...

A few things I do when testing for FCAT is ,reread the passages , read the questions first , and go over my work again . By reading the passages more than once , you could find imporant information that was missed the first time . When you read the questions first it helps you get an idea for what you're looking for in the passage , and lastly , by checking over work you could find errors you didn't realize before .

NSmith5 said...

There are a few things that I usually do to prepare for FCAT. One of the first things that I do is eat a lot of eggs in the morning (don't ask why, tradition.) Another thing that I do is read up on some basic studies that morning before the test. The last one is that I take deep breaths while I get confused on a problem.
@ahutto5 I do that when reading, too.
@fgoetz I do that too

gparent5 said...

fcat has always been really stressful for me! almost all tests are, but after a class period of learning strategies to help me calm down i have had an easier time taking fcat. one of the strategies was imagining being in a place where your stress free. another would be tensing up your muscles and then realease after ten seconds. thanks for all the in classroom tips mrs. a thoomas.

gparent5 said...

sounds good

rereading the passages is a smart idea!

dsmith5 said...

FCAT has always been boring to me. I like that we get food though. Strategies I use in reading FCAT is UNRAAVEL. Another thing I do is read the questions first ao you know what you're looking for in the passage. Next, im going to use the visual strategy mrs. athom taught us.

dsmith5 said...

@gparent5 you made a good point about stessing.

dsmith5 said...

@ahutto5 good job

aazoca6 said...

I think there are good strategies to use for the fcat. I am just going to relax. It’s the easiest thing to do. Make sure you stay focused. If you don’t like the story still act like you do so you can understand it.

aazoca6 said...

dsmith5 good post.

gparent5 those are good stategies.

llambert6 said...

For the FCAT, I recommend going to bed an hour earlier than you usually do to get extra sleep. This way, you won't be tired and distracted the next day. Another tip is to eat a wholesome breakfast the morning of the FCAT. The reason for that is to keep you full and focused. These two tips really do make a difference and help your performance.

llambert6 said...

Good ideas!

llambert6 said...

I agree, the process of elimination is one of the most helpful!

jclark2 said...

for fcat im going to eat a good breakfast in the morning. im also going to got to bed early so i can have a good sleep and wont be tired. third im going to do breathing treatments to help me concentrate on the test. im also going to do other stragies also.

Jwalker5 said...

What I recommend to do for the FCAT is to get a lot of rest and to eat a good breakfast. Getting a lot of rest can make sure to stay awake during the FCAT. And staying awake during the FCAT can get you a good grade. Eating a good breakfast can also make you get a good grade of the FCAT.

tnichola6 said...

Dont get stressed out with the test, try not to day dream and stay on track. You should use the prosses pemdas. You can read the questions first then you can read the story. You can be stressed up and you should follow Mrs.a thohams's stress relaving steps. These are the best steps for doing good on the Fcat.

tnichola6 said...

Those were some .good steps jwalker5

tnichola6 said...

jclarke2 those are the best steps to do good on the Fcat.

nbrown5 said...

Some of my tips are to get plenty of rest .Eat a very healthy brteakfast .Be prepared as you read passages.One strategie you should use is read the questions before reading passage because when you do this you know what to look for . Look over answers correctly .

Nbahn5 said...

FCAT is a game. The only way you’ll pass/win is to make sure you do everything correctly. You have to know all of its twists and turns and tricks to try to mess you up (math, reading, and science). Read the questions first so that you’ll know what to look for (reading). Use your helpful reference sheet (math). I don’t have one for science alone.

@Smwilliams2 I use UNNRAVEL too!!!

@Ccummings5 I do the same thing!!!!

nbrown5 said...

jwalker 5 those were some good tips.

nbrown5 said...

gparent5 good stratgies .

Twithers5 said...

Fcat can be nerve racking I use a couple of tips to help me. 1st I get a good nights sleep. 2nd use process of elimination to narrow down my choices. 3rd after I am done answering questions I go back and check them 3 or 4 times. 4th I dont let stress hold me back.

kcarnes5 great post
nbahn5 i use those stratigies somtimes

aisom6 said...

the stragities i use are to look at the questions before i read the passage in reading. i also elimate the answers that are not the correct choice. lastly i always write on the fcat to make sure i didnt miss anything

yalvarez6 said...

For FCAT every year I use the same strategies. It comes easy to me since we do the same thing every year.
• I read the questions first at least twice.
• I pay attention to any important words in the questions.
• If I have difficulty I keep looking in the test until I am done and go back to see if anything that I saw is similar to what I have to answer.
• I try to get into the test makers head.

ttaylor5 said...

for the fcat i will
-read questions
-understand questions
-dream of my happy place
-go back to story for help with a question
-choose the correct answer

akinney05 said...

this week we where taking FCAT the big test we take every year about what we have leanred. this test is very tricky, long, and boring. one stragite i will use is reading the questiong before reading the story or passage. another stragite is thinking of my happy place that calms me down and makes me relax. my last stragite is to skip the difficult question and come back to them later.

akinney5 said...

nice @kkarnes5

akinney5 said...

sweet @jjones6

rgatlin2 said...

For focusing on the FCAT that we already took, I used some of the stress relief things that we did. The first one I did was imagining I was in a place where I felt comfortable. Another strategy I used was the muscle relaxation technique. I didn't really feel like the first one helped too much, because I closed my eyes and I almost fell asleep during the session one of reading. However, I did feel like the muscle relaxation technique really helped. Thank you so much for teaching us this, Mrs. A Thomas!
@nbrown5 Thanks for the tips!
@yalvarez6 Nice haha.

anorwood6 said...

The first one I did was imagining I was in a place where I felt comfortable.Another strategy I used was the muscle relaxation technique. I really feel like the first one helped too much.However, I did feel like the muscle relaxation technique really helped.The strategies i could remember really helped me.

anorwood6 said...


cool strategy

anorwood6 said...


lots of info cool

gmontgomery2 said...

The strategies I use for the FCAT are read the questions before reading the story, the relaxation, and the process of elimination. The reason why I want to use these tools are because they will help me understand what I'm doing more easier. Also because they are easy to understand.

gmontgomery2 said...

anorwood6 good job
bmendoza5 good job too

lcummings2 said...

there are many hard things about the fcat. one of the strategies that i use to help me on the fcat is i cancel out all the answers that dont make sense and do the others. my other strategies are to skip a problem if its to hard and come back to it later. the last thing i did was to breath in deep and out deep to keep my mind focused.

lcummings2 said...

good job bmendoza5 and nice job smwilliams2

Hrivera2 said...

Stratages I use for the Fcat is to have a positive attitude for the test. another thing is to read the questions before you read the story.

Hrivera said...

lcummings2 good job on your blog
gmontgomery2 cool info

tdaigle6 said...

There are many strategies to use while taking the FCAT. One of them are reading the instructions. Another great strategy is pacing yourself.

tdaigle6 said...

@bmendoza5 those are the same ones i used.
@nluna6 how have you never taken the fcat before?