Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog #8 Due: Monday 3/21/11

This week's blog is open-ended. Discuss your book. Perhaps there is something specific in the book you wish to talk about. For example: you could discuss how something made you feel, connections you have with the characters in the book, thoughts the book sparked, etc. You may discuss anything you want as long as your blog post is DETAILED, contains SPECIFIC information from the book, and it is clear you put effort into it.

Remember, to receive full credit your post must be 5-7 sentences long. You must include book title, author, and current page number you are on.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog #7 Due: Monday 3/14/11

We have been focusing on poetry and trying to figure out what the author is trying to say through his or her writing. Tell us what you think the Theme of your book is. Remember: Theme is the point the author is trying to get across to the reader.

Remember to include your books title, author, and current page number you are on. Your response must include what you think the Theme of your book is and an example from the book that clues you in to that theme. Your response must be 5-7 sentences.