What questions would you ask if you could talk with the author of your current book? Include at least 2 questions. Tell us how you think the author might answer one of your questions.
Make sure you include book title, author and current page
number. Make sure your post is at least 5 sentences. Do not forget to comment on two classmates post.
1 – 200 of 242 Newer› Newest»I am reading Foul Trouble by John Feinstein. I am on page 34. The question I would ask the author of my book is how he came up with the title. The other question I would ask is how long did it take to write the book.
the questions i would ask the author of my book is why did she write the book? and why did she talk about the things that she be talking about?. I think the author will answer the question as if she was telling a summary of why the book was written. The name of my book is named sapphique and i am on page #87.
The book foul trouble sounds interesting to read.!
Daneil X book 3 written by James Patterson and I am on page 59. A few questions I have for James Patterson is. Why is Daneil much more mean and aggressive in the third book. Another question I have is why did no.5 have to kidnap Lara. I think that James Patterson would answer this question by saying that because no.5 knew Lara was Daneil's weakness so he used it to his advantage.
@Dproctor5 I like that question
@rpollock2 I have herd of that book
my first question would be why did he not include the trip to get to the cabin . the book just starts in the cabin because nothing interesting happens during the trip.just normal conversation.next would be why did jessie agree to get handcuffed .i think he would say that it was due to the fact she thought it would be like the game they play all the time.not that she would be raped.
what kind of book is it more of an action or mystery.i have read 1 James Paterson book before and its simulerto steven king.
the title of your book is interesting .i think that the book would take a long time depending on how many pages.
The book I am currently reading is Pennyroyal Academy by M.A. Larson and I am on page 190. A question I would ask my author if I could talk to her would be: why do you seem to add things that, in my opinion, don’t relate? What I mean by this is, in the book, she randomly adds new things when it doesn’t even relate to the current event, and that throws me off at times. My second question that I would ask her is will Evie ever see her sister again after her sister was hit in midair? I think the author would answer the second one as no. I think this just because her father already died and before her sister was shot, her dialogue in the book seemed wise like her last words.
mcolton2 That's a good book!
I am reading the book Simpsons supernova by Matt Groenning. I am currently on page 136. One question I would have to ask the author is why he chose to write these comedic stories. Also I would ask him where he got his inspiration from. I have no idea what he would say, but knowing that he likes writing funny short storyies my guess would be he would say something funny.
@mdinh6 i like your comment
shuges6 good job
I am reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and I am on page 122.One question I would have for the author is what inspired her to right this book? Another question I would ask her is why did the movie change some things. For example in the book it says that the mayors daughter gave Katniss the pin but in the movie Cinna gave it to her.If she responded I think she would say something like the book was some sort of connection to her life.
I am reading The Sea Of Trolls by Nancy Farmer and I am on page 371. If I could talk to Nancy Farmer then I would ask her how she came up with these ideas that started the book and climb to the end. I believe she would answer that she got these ideas from a certain movie. I believe this came for Lord Of The Rings or The Hobbit. Nancy would also probably answer that she got these ideas from old fairy tales.
The simpsons is a great book
Larson makes great books
I am reading The Hypnotists by Gordon Korman and I am on page 188. A question I would ask the author is, why did you choose to write a book about mind control? He would probably respond by saying that he is interested in superpowers and stuff like that.
seems legit
My sister has read all of the books
The current book I'm reading is called "The Diary of A Young Girl", by Anne Frank, and on page 93. One of the questions I would ask her is, why did she start the diary in the first place, before the war? I think she would say that she wanted to keep everything in one place so when she gets older she can look back on it. Another question is why did she decide to start calling her diary kitty as a nickname, instead of just calling it diary. I think she would say that she wanted to give her diary that nickname because she felt like she could always take to her cat and this reminded her of her cat. Since that was the only thing she could really talk to and be comfortable with.
I am reading Skink No Surrender by Carl Hiaasen, I'm on page 260. One question that I would ask the author of my book is, what inspired him to write this book. I don't know how he would respond, but I don't think he would written this out of experience. Maybe he would say that he relates to the main character in a way. The author is from Florida, and the main character lives in Gainesville,Florida.
Good job!
Great explanation!
The book I am reading is "Midnight is a Place" by Joan Aiken, and I am on page 65. Two questions that I would ask my character are "Are you afraid of your neighborhood?" and "If you could live anywhere else but here, where would it be?". I think that my character would say he would want to go to Orlando as his answer to the second question. I think he would say this because Orlando is a fun place and it's nice and sunny during the summer. I also think this because my character is a very curious person and is always looking for some place to go and something to do in his gloomy neighborhood.
Those are great questions.
Seems like Nancy has a very active imagination.
I am reading the book Percy Jackson and the Titans Curse by Rick Riordan and I finished the book.
If I could ask Rick Riordan 2 questions they would be, are Annabeth and Percy ever going to be anything more than friends? And my second question would be is Percy the one the oracle was talking about when it said that a demi-god born from the big 3 when it turns 16 it will bring Olympus down? I think that the authors answer to the first question would be yes, Annabeth and Percy will be Girlfriend and boyfriend somewhere in the near future because it seems like Percy has strong feelings for Annabeth but doesn’t know what they are. And it seemed a little weird when Annabeth got mad at Percy for talking to a girl at his school so I think she has feelings for him also. I think the answer for the second question would be no Percy is not going to destroy Olympus because he is the main hero in the story and he wouldn’t turn to the bad side.
I am reading this side of home by Gena and i would ask him why is the story so emotional.I think he would respond by saying he is basing it off of something that happened in his life.The second question would be if he could choose any character to compare his self to who would it be i think Jojo because hes artistic just like the book.
Anonymous Tlewis5
those are good questions to ask
Tlewis5 Your book sounds like a thriller, I wonder if I would like it.
Anonymous Mbowman4
that soundsclike a good book.
kherring2 sounds like a good book.
cscott1 sounds good
drivera4 I liked the movies but i loved the books, I also noticed that they changed a few deatails in the book for the movies.
I am reading Cracker. If i could ask the author any questions i would ask why they decided to wright the book. Did they wright it because they had a dog named cracker. Did they only want to entertain us. another question i would ask is why she choose to wright from the dogs pint of veiw.
@cscott1 sounds cool
I am still reading Promises to Keep by Paul Langan and I am on page 98. The first thing I would ask the author is, what made him write the book? And what was the background story to this book? I would also ask if there was a Promises to Keep part 2, what would it be about? I think his answer to my first question would be, it was a personal experience for him and he felt he should write about it in an interesting way.
@kwebb2 that is a good question.
@ kherring2 your question was a good question.
The book that I am currently reading is The Worst Class Trip Ever by David Berry and I'm currently on page 188. If I could talk to the author of my book, I would ask him why the two weird guys took Matt as a hostage? I think the author would respond by saying that he didn't want Wyatt to call the cops. The next question I would ask the author of my book would be why he made Matt seem so stupid in the book? I think the author would respond by answering "because hes Wyatt's friend".
I'm reading Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and I'm on page 159. The main character is Huckleberry Finn, a kid who ran away on a raft with a slave named Jim. If I could ask Huck two questions they would be about what his plan for life was. How would he spend the rest of his life, like would he ever try to get a job and house or just keep adventuring on his raft forever? I would also ask him what he would do if he was ever caught running away and how he would avoid being taken home.
@JFox4 when I read the title of your book I was expecting some regular book about a field trip or something, not a student being captured and held hostage lol
@cscott1 It's good that you've finished the book
@Mbowman Carl Hiaasen is a good author.
I am reading a book called Eight Keys by Suzanne LaFleur and I'm on page 304. One of the questions I would ask the author of my book is, " Why didn't Elise notice that her friend was weird before she went to middle school? " I think the author would respond by saying, " There wasn't as much peer pressure before middle school and no one made fun of her for having him as a friend before. " The other question I would ask my author is, " Why didn't Elise admit to assisting the prank? " The author would probably respond by saying," Elise had to learn her lesson. "
@JFox4 I like how you worded your answer.
@awhitfield4 Those are good questions.
If I could the ask the author two question about my book The Test it would be, what made you want to write this book?? And, have it really happened to anybody you know in real life? The author Peggy kern would probably say yes it happened to my best friend or me. The page i am currently on is 82.
@JFox4 your book seem cool
@awhitfield4 im going to read your book
We were talking about Percy Jackson in book chat club today.
The book that I am reading is called Love and other Perishable things by Laura Buzo and I am on page 89. The question that I am dying to ask the author is "Why doesn't Amelia just asks her crush out?" I think she will respond with "Because he is way too old for her." Another question I have is "Why is Amelia trying to act older for a guy?" And she might say "Because sheet is deeply in love."
@jfox4 Good Job!
@khering2 I like what you wrote keep up the good work!
I’m reading Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel and I finished the book. One question I’d ask is; who or what inspired you to create these characters? Another would be; why did you end the series with a space trip? I think he would answer the second question by saying that the books got progressively higher. The first book had them flying and on the ground the second had them on the edge of space and the third and final reached the final frontier, space. This seemed like a good place to stop because they’ve only journeyed together on extreme trips once they never tried to go on a similar trip again. Plus with they’re current technology further advancement is impossible and Kate’s parents would stop funding Kate due to her marriage with Matt.
Me and most of my family has read the series or at least most of it.
i had to read that book in 5th grade.
I had to read that book in 5th grade.
the book daneil x sounds like a good book @Mcolton
In my book that I am currently reading is called “The Bridge from Me to You” by Lisa Schroeder. In this book I am on page 253. If I had the opportunity to ask the author of my book 2 questions about it, the first question would be, “Why would a big-time city girl move from New York to a small country in California, when she could move anywhere she wants?” and my second question would be, “Why does Lauren give Colby such a hard time when she likes him and he likes her back?’ If I asked those two questions, I think the author, Lisa Schroeder, response would be “Because Lauren is a different kind of “big-time city girl”, she’s the kind of girl that doesn’t really care about what people think of her and she wants to experience new things in life.” If the author answered my second question I think her response would be “Because Lauren’s the type of girl that knows that her beauty attracts all of the boys at her school. And she knows that she doesn’t have time for boy’s at her school.”
I'm currently reading Hoot by Carl Hiaasen and I'm on page 157. If i could ask the Author two questions I would ask why he decided to write books? and where he go the idea to write Hoot? He might have wanted to write books because he enjoys writing or it might relax him. He might have gotten the idea to write Hoot from a past experience that he had. Anyways I'm really enjoying this book so far.
@jfox4 Seems like a great book.
@arobinson2 I might want to read that book.
In my book 1984 by George Orwell ( Eric Blair ). I am done with this book. If i had to ask the author any question or two questions. 1). I would ask how did you write this book thinking so far into the future and using the past and the present and the future to make on story about a distopian future. 2). I would ask why were you afraid of your work as a younger person to the point where you had to use a fake name because you were sacred that it would embarrass your family. This book is amazing and confusing at the same time and you aren't supposed to understand it, That,s the point of the book.
I recently finished "Binge" by Tyler Oakley. If I could ask Tyler two questions, I would ask him if he still has to live and deal with the effects and aftermath of having an eating disorder, and how he overcame it. I think he still struggles with some of the lifelong effects of that because it never really leaves. I think he is a strong person and has found ways to cope and love himself. Another question I would ask him is how writing a book changed him as a person. I think writing the book made him stronger because he had to face everything he went through and probably learned more about himself overall.
Good questions.
That is a good book.
The book I have is called "Woven" and it is by Micheal Jensen and David Powers King and I'm finished with this book. My first question I have for the authors of this book is there going to be a sequel? They'd most likely say no but if you read this book you could see that it is possible for a sequel if you piece together certain parts of the book. My second question is if they have made any other books similar to this adventurous styles with a slight twist. Since I have no info what so ever on these authors I asked it, but they probably do.
@esmith5 A simple disorder may not seem like much, but it can teach a lot.
@zsbergman4 Everyone wears a mask, some are just visible.
I am currently reading " Begging For Change" by Sharon G. Flake, I'm on page 50. If i could ask the author of this book 2 questions, it would be, is this book based on a true story, and if it is who is it about? Another question i would ask her is that did she grow up in the neighborhood hat her main character stays in currently?
@esmith5 that's a great question...
@msmith2 we read "Hoot" in 6th or 7th grade i like that book.
The book I am reading is The Runaway King by Jennifer Nielsen. If I could ask the author of my book any questions about my book is "Why didn't you make Jaron just tell Imogen the truth about how he felt and what he was planning to do?" Also "Why didn't Jaron actually love Imogen?"
cscott1 They definently sound like good questions.
esmith5 Those were some serious questions
I am reading Game World by C.J. Farley and on page 123. I would ask the author of my book, how did you come up with this other dimension that is the "game world" and all the things that live there? Also, I would ask, why did you make the "game world" look just like Jamaica? I believe he would answer the one about why he made it like Jamaica by saying that he was originally from there and know about the landscape. He would say that it looked like it could be from another world and it was the perfect place for the "game world" to be.
Good answers and questions JFox4.
using the past for future zsbergman4?
I am reading The Rule of Three, By Eric Walters, and I am on page 280. I would ask him "What train of thought did this originate from?". I would also ask him "Who is your favorite character?". I believe his favorite character is Herb, because he is a very intricate and mysterious character, and a retired spy.
I am currently reading The Eighth Day by Dianne Salerni. I am on page 46. If I could ask the author any question about my book I would ask "What happened to Jax's parents?" I would also ask "Does Jax eventually find his dad on Grunsday or something like that?" I think that the author would say that his parent when missing on Grunsday and that he does find them.
mcline1 Those are good questions.
cbruck6 That sounds like a good book.
"Thrones and Bones, Frostborn" by Lou Anders page 173
If I could ask Lou Anders about anything I would probably ask about where the idea for the board game in the book came from. I would ask this because I really like the ideas and I would want to see how you make a game like that. Another thing I would ask would be if it was hard to come up with a world to write about.
knowing what the author was thinking when they come up with these amazing stories is really an interesting thing isn't it.
authors like to leave connections to their own life in books so it is possible they both live in the same place.
My book is Ark Angel by Anthony Horowitz and I'm on page 153. One question I would ask is how did you come up with the plot that you did? I would want to know because it's about a 14 year old boy who is a secret agent for a British intelligence organization. I would also ask where did the name Alex Rider come from? This could've been a childhood friend or an uncle. One last question I would ask is why both of his parents had to die. This could be as simple as I just came up with it or it might be about him himself.
Coming up with a new world itself would probably be hard.
That sounds like a real story but maybe not.
The book I'm reading is the Giver by Lois Lowry, I'm on page 50.
The questions that I have are,why did you make Jonas's father have to kill babies as a job? This made Jonas's father seem evil because the book describes his father loving his job. Another question I had was, why were the elderly assign the careers of the young adults? This is so peculiar to me because people in our country have the right to pick any job they want.This probably was written in the book because older people are supposed to be wiser than children. What happens if the young adult is not good at his/her job? This seems like a problem every other person will face in a real world system. I think the person would get reassigned.
Those are great and well thought out questions
The Bridge from Me to You sounds like a great book, and very interesting book.
The book I am reading is Hero by Mike Lupica and I am on page 74. If I could ask the author of my book a question about the book I would ask him why does Zach keep searching for evidence to try to find out how his father really died? I understand that he is grieving but I think that if he keeps doing research about it the death will hold him back and keep him remembering the death and not moving on. My second question is how did the black box of the plane go missing and if the plane crashed in the US territory then the US should have the black box of the plane. I think that I will get the answer from my author that you need to finish reading the book or if u told you it would ruin the book.
@Efreeman5 Jonas's father has a really bad job and I see why the elderly are assigned the young adults because they have more experience and they are wiser.
@LBaker4 the biggest question I think you asked is how a 14 year old boy a secret British agent and why would they make a kid be an agent rather than an adult or a guy in his 20's, I think they would be more focused and on task than a 14 year old.
The book I'm currently is City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and I'm on page 155. If I could ask Cassandra questions about the book, I'd ask her where she got her inspiration for the "Shadow World," from. I've always wondered where this amazing world she created in her book came from or if it was just a mix of old myths and stories told to people. I think Cassandra would say that she got her inspiration from stories of vampires, werewolves, warlocks, etc. I think she used these stories and characters to create a mythical world that somehow seemed possible in real life. The other question I would ask her is what do some of the different language quotes when she starts a new part mean. Most of them are written in some foreign language, I'd like to know if they are a language from her story or if they're real languages. I think she'd say some of them are ones she made up, but others are real, dead language that few people know.
@Efreeman5. I've wondered the same thing;why kill babies?
@esmith. I've wanted to read that since it came out. Was it as good as people make it out to be?
The name of the book that I'm reading is called My Little Pony I am on page 57 and this book is by clique novelist Lisi Harrison. One of the questions that I would ask her would be where did she get her inspiration for the characters from? The reason that I would ask this is because the way she writes it seems like she experienced it herself. Another question that I would ask is how come she didn't just be a regular author and write just one book but a whole series? The reason that I would ask is because usually authors would write one to three books but not a whole series. The way that I I think that she would answer the first question is that part of it occurred in and part of it was made up. The way that I think she would answer the second question is that she was inspired to do that and once she made the first book she couldn't just stop.
I am reading writer by Marisa Myers. I am on page 320. I would ask why does the main character have to be a cyborg. I also would ask what year is this taking place. To me these questions are the most confusing in this series.
I'm reading "The Cannibals" by Iain Lawrence. I'm currently on page 79. If I were to ask the author any question it would be about Toms backstory. I would ask him what really happened to his mother. I would also want to know wether or not his father lived through the ship wreck.
Sounds like an interesting book
I've read that story before. It has a great sequel.
Drivera4 good book
Lbaker4 good book.
The book that I am currently reading is "Red Queen" By Victoria Aveyard and I am on page 366. If I could ask the author anything I would ask her why maven backstabbed everyone for no good reason. Another one is what country they are located in the book because it is never clearly stated.
@tfolston6 I have heard that book is really good.
@Efreeman5 I loved that book
I am currently reading you have a brain by Ben Carson and I’m on page 133. The questions I have for him are: when you were a kid in fifth grade why did you let those kids call you dummy and stupid? I couldn’t argue with them because they were right I was the dummy and I was stupid and everybody knew that. What do you think helped you the most when you were growing up and helped you rise above being the dummy? My mom, she would always tell me, “you are better than this you are so much smarter than that Ben you just have to work a little harder."
esmith5 i got that book for Christmas.
tmodican5 my little cousin watches that tv show.
I’m reading The Neptune Challenge by Polly Holyoke and I’m on page 21. If I can ask any question, I would ask her would be does Dai come back? The reason I would ask this question is because Dai leaved Nere before they arrived Safety Harbor. The book doesn’t tell me why he left and I really want him back. I think she’ll say he will come back because he was one of the important characters and he really liked Nere. Another thing I would ask her would be where she got her inspiration of the setting because the setting of this book is so amazing. They need to survive down the sea with all those weird creatures, and they are hiding from people who live on the land finding them to kill.
esmith5 Those are good questions
JFox4 Those are great questions
I am reading the book "the analyst" by John katzenbach. I am in the page 109. The questions I have for him are:
Why you choose an analyst for principal character? Why not a doctor? Or a scientist? And why the wife of Ricky Stars is dead?And the last one, why Virgil kill the man in the metro? What happen with his mother?
I have another question
Why if Ricky Stars is an analyst he is untidy?
Nice questions
Wow super detailed
The book I am currently reading is called Wonder by R.J. Palacio and I’m on page 156. If I could ask the author of this book two questions they would be, what/who inspired you to write this book and which characters point of view is the easiest to write. I feel if I asked her the second question she would respond with something like this. ‘I find that all of the characters in my book are a bit difficult to portray but you’ve just got to put a lot of emotion into it. You have to really know the kind of person you’re trying to create and just go from there.’
I am reading "The 100" by Kass Morgan. I am finished the book. The first question I would ask is how she got the idea to write The 100? The second question I would ask is how she was able to come up with all the plot twists and new ideas for the next books in the series? I think for the second question she would say that for each book she leaves a hanger at the end for when the next book continues. For the plot twists, she would say she chooses the moments with two possibilities and chooses the one that leaves the readers more interested in the book.
Wow extremely detailed.
Good questions.
@ZGano5 That response sounds believable!
@GKloeppel5 Those are really good questions!
I am reading Miss.Peregrine's home for pecular children by Ransom Riggs, I am on page 39. In my book the author made up a story to fit creepy pictures from the past. One qestion I would ask him is how he came up with the stories to match the pictures. The other qestion I would ask is what inspired to write the book in the first place. I think he would answer my qestion by saying simply that he found pictures and started putting together a story and decided to write it down.
@Lbaker4 Those are great questions!!
@Zsbergman Those are very good questions to ask an author!
The book I'm currently reading is book two of Ranger's Apprentice it is written by John Flanagan ,and I'm on page 238. If I could ask two questions to the author of the Ranger's Apprentice the first question would be If he gets inspiration from other authors and there work ,and the second question would be if he has ever used a different name for any other books he might have written if he did so. I think he would respond to the first question with a yes that he indeed did get inspiration from other author ,and I think this because many other authors have written fairy tale adventure sword books. For the second question I think he would respond with a yes also because he would probably say that he had early books he had written but didn't know if they would do bad and get him embaraced ,so he used a fake name.
Interesting questions and good response.
Nice response very detailed.
I am reading the book Wildwood by Colin Meloy and I am on page 167. If I could ask Colin Meloy a question it would be, what inspired you to write this book sense it is so odd? I believe his answer would be his wife, who illustrated the cover of the book and the occasional pictures in the book. I think he would say his wife because his wife/ illustrator said in the back of the book that as a child she loved animals and the woods. My second question for the author would be, how did you make it so that the story still had some real life factors to it? I think his answer would be that he made sure that the human characters had the emotions f a normal person, so they would react like any person would.
nlabender5 Interesting questions, also very creative answer.
hkim1 I like that your quesrions are specific to your book.
Seems like good questions to ask.
This was very well written and you asked great questions.
I am currently reading The Raft by S.A. Bodeen and I'm on page 189. If I could talk to the author I would ask him where he got the idea for this book because it's really interesting and a somewhat unique idea. I would also like to ask him why he chose the main character to be a girl, I personally think a guy would've fit the part better. If I could actually talk to S.A. Bodeen I think she would tell me the reason he chose the main character to be a girl would be because she wanted her book to be different, also because he felt that it would be a good idea to have the girl as the character who has to go on and be independent.
I've read that book before and I would ask the author that too.
I haven't read that book before but it sounds interesting.
I am currently reading fantasy League by Milk Lupica and I'm on oage 214. The questions I would ask to my author is that why is the book called "Fantasy League"? Another question I would ask is why does he not have that many friends. The last question I would ask is why does he get into fantasy league. The author would answer the last question by saying The main characters best friend has a grandfather who's the manager of LA Bulldogs.
Dproctor5 I heard about that book.
Swillamson2 Nice book!!!
I am currently reading Hoot by Carl Hiaasen. The page number I am on is 140. The first question I would ask is, why do all your books take place in Florida? The second question is, what made you come up with the idea about the construction being a pancake dinner? I think Carl Hiaasen would reply to the first question that he really likes Florida and he was born there so these books might relate to his childhood.
Sounds like a good book.
Interesting questions.
I am reading the young world by Chris weitz and I am on chapter 3 and a question I have to ask the author is how did the kids parents die. And lastly where did this disease come from, I have an idea of probably from another country like Ebola did in the U.S but that's an idea.
Good book choice
Nice way of wording it
I'm currently reading the book Believe by Eric LeGrand pg 169. If I could ask the author of this book any here is what it'd be. My first question would be How did you keep a positive attitude through out this process. My second question would be If you could turn back time, what would you do differently. I feel like Eric LeGrand would reply with something very deep for the second question.
The book I'm currently reading is called Beholding Be by Kimberly Newton Fusco and I am on page 13. If I had asked the author two questions one of them would be, why did you give the girl a birthmark? I think the author orders pond by saying it gives the book a mysterious theme on how the girl will deal with it. Another question would be where is her mother? I don't know how the author work respond to that one since she lives with her aunt.
Thats a very good question!
I like the question about Florida.
I am currently reading 39 clues by Rick Rhoden and I am done with the book. If I could ask any questions it would be who is Alistair oh's family? I believe that the author would reply saying his family was killed or either they live far away from him. the second question I would ask him is why is Dan so fierce? I believe that the author would respond saying his parents never taught him kindness and responsibility or that he was abused as a younger child.
The book I’m reading is Flawless by Sara Shepard and I’m on page 132. A question that I would have would be why did Ali have to runaway or die? She had to leave because she needed to protect her friends from “A”. Another question I have is who is “A” and why is it after the girls? “A” is after the girls for revenge, they did something wrong in the past. Those are my two questions.
Lrepp4 sounds like a good book.
Those are some interesting questions.
DDaniels2 good questions.
the book I am currently reading is backlash and I am on page 224. two questions I would ask the author; 1) what inspired you to write suck a deep book about suicide and bullying matters? I want to know that answer because I'm curious on if anything major happened in life to want to write it. 2) have you made a second book? because if so I would love to read it.
@jbruce the question about Florida is great
@lrepp4 that's a great book choice !
Sounds really suspense filled.
The book that I am reading is Code Of Honor by Alan Gratz and I'm on page 107. My first question that I would ask him if he think his brother is a terrorist. He will say that he is not. My second question that I would ask is if he is a terrorist than how would u feel. He would probably feeel betrayed because they had a code of honor.
I'm reading Wenny Has Wings by Janet Lee Carey. I'm on page 59 right now. If I had 2 questions for the author they would probably have to be, why did you make Will such a negative character and what do you think the story would be like if Wenny was alive but Will wasn't? Carey might respond to first questions with an explanation about Wenny's death affecting Will. And I don't really know what she would say about the second question.
@arodriguez6 Code of Honor sounds intense
@Abennett6 your questions are very good
I am reading Scat by Carl Hiaasen and I am on page 223. One question I would ask the author is, "Why did you choose the setting that you did?" Another question is, "Why did you choose the mystery genre?" I think he might explain the questions this way. He chose the setting of the swamp because he could have a lot of interesting characters such as the animals in the story. He chose to write a mystery because this type of story is full of suspense and keeps the reader turning pages and anxious to see what is next.
What book are you reading?
@arodriguez6 Terrorism is a very serious subject.
@kcox6 I think you came with some really good questions.
Sounds like an interesting conversation with him.
I am reading "The Last 13 #2," by James Phelan, and I'm on page 37. Two questions I would ask my author would probably be 'How'd you come up with the idea for "The Last Thirteen?"' He would probably answer this question with a story or experience of his inspiration. Another question I would ask my author is why is the first book more pages than all the others, while the last book has 185 like the rest of the books? I don't know how he'd answer this question. All the books have 185 except the first book (#13) has about 235.
Chon5 those are some good questions!
Mscott2 that sounds like an interesting story!
@Mscott2 great questions.
@arodriguez6 great questions.
I'm currently reading Artemis Fowl The Opal Deception, by Eoin Coffer and I'm on page 325. Two questions I would like to ask the author of my book is, how did you get the inspiration to think outside the box to write this story. They would probably say "well all I do is imagine things." Another question I would ask the author is what are your next steps to making more books in this series. The books in the series all ready are intriguing and interesting. I don't know the author would say to me but I kind of think he would say get more action into the scenes.
@arodriguez6 sounds like a good book
@jhardy5 39 clues have awesome books
The story I am currently reading is Diary of a wimpy kid Rodrick rules and the page I am currently on is 111, the author of the book is Jeff Kinney. I would ask the author Jeff Kinney will Greg always be the main person in all of the diary of the wimpy kid. Another question I would ask the author of the book is have he ever thought about retiring from making diary of the wimpy kid books? I think my author reaction too question number 1 would be an I don’t know because sometimes Rowley starts off as a main character then as the story goes on he just fades away.
mscott2 good job
jhardy5 good job
I’ve just begun reading the book Far Far Away by Tom McNeal and I am on page 6. If I could ask the author any two questions they would be, where did you get the idea of having Jeremy hear voices? And also who exactly is doing the talking that Jeremy hears? For the question about who, he might say that the voices are people who have passed or that Jeremy is just mentally ill and is hearing things that aren’t really there. I’m sure that as I continue to read this book I will gain more and more questions about the events in this book.
I'm currently reading Steve Jobs by Patricia Lakin and on page 145.Also if I could ask my author 2 questions.One would be why did you pick Steve Jobs for your biography. Also How long did it take to gather all these facts about him.I think the author would say she wrote the book about him because Steve Jobs inspired her and she did it to show appreciation for all his genius inventions.Also I think she would say that it took about a year and a half because it takes a lot of time to find the right facts fro each sentence or chapter.
Nice word choice!
I have seen the show they made after this book and I would love to read the book.
I didn't know that we were allowed to read diary of a wimpy kid thanks for telling me.
Those are really well thought through questions!
So the book im reading is called Betwixt by Tara Bray Smith and im currently on page 292. One of the questions I would ask the author is why Nix and Ondine become so separated when the get to the Ring of Fire but when they are at Ondine’s house they were falling in love? My other question would be why is the picture on the front of the book a moth and a girls face? I think shed answer the second question by saying that Ondine was seeing moths and that’s her face because that face has purple eyes like Ondines.
I am reading Abduction by John Grisham and I just finished the book. I would ask Grisham why when he created Theodore the main character into this kid who had a precocious of being a smart lawyer at his age. I would also ask if Theo wasn’t this super smart kid who knows the ends and outs of the judicial system how the book would be different. I think that he would answer the first question by saying that Theo’s parents were lawyers and he would have thought that kids like Theo would take an interest in what their parents do. For Theo he had a huge interest in what this parents did and wanted to learn about it.
Those sound like great questions for the author.
Those are great and interesting questions for the author.
I am reading "Four" by Veronica Roth, and I am on page 7. If I could ask Veronica Roth two questions one would be "Why is Tobias lying?" The other would be "Was Tobias secretly the main charecter in the Divergent series?" To the first question she would probably tell me to read the book. To the second she would probably just laugh and then give me a funny answer.
Those are some good questiions.
Terrific questions.
The book that I am currently reading is The last Apprentice: Clash of the Demons By Joseph Delaney and I am on page 198. Two questions I would ask Joseph Delaney are, " Why would Thomas use his dark wish on Alice?" Another would be, " Why doesn't Mam tell Thomas that she is a witch?" One answer would be that Thomas loves Alice. Another would be that Thomas had to push aside his teachings so she could tell him.
Four sounds like a really good book.
the book i am currently reading is called Car Trouble, by Jeanne DuPrau and im currently on page 65. if i could talk with the author of my book i would tell him how thrilled i am to read this book. it's more interesting than i imagined it would be. but then i would ask him why he didn't make this a scary book, because what happened is perfect for a scary book. i would also ask him why he wouldn't make the character more of a person that worrys and freaks out over little things. i feel like his response to my first question would be because he's more of a mystery type of person and not really into the whole scary thing but she'll sure leave you thinking.
ahenderson4.. your book sounds really interesting, i'd love to read it
SNolen6... your book is something im not so interested in but it seems cool enough to give it a try
My book is Save the Cupcake, I am currently on page 183. The book is written by Lisa Papademetriou. Questions I would ask my main character are, why do you need to protect the cupcakes all the time? Do you have anything other than cupcakes? Is there anything you won’t do to protect your cupcakes? I think the author would answer the question on why Hayley needs to protect the cupcakes all the time. She would probably say because of all Hayley’s friends. Also because everyone fights when they are around her.
Is this a good book?
Your book sounds very interesting.
I am currently reading The Maze Runner by James Dasher and I'm on page 70. A question I would ask the author is why would you make the kids stay in the maze for so long? Why would my make the character Thomas lose his memory? I think the author would say that it gives the story a more mysterious mood that why he made the character stay in the maze for so long. Also to the mysterious mood of the story when Thomas loses his memory because that just makes you ask more questions and makes it more mysterious.
@klynch4 The book your reading makes me hungry.
@SNolen6 Your book sounds really mysterious and creepy
I'm reading the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I'm on page 234. If I could ask Mark Twain two questions they would be if he was in support of freeing slaves and if he realized he used a lot of racist slurs and phrases in the book. he would probably answer he was in support of freeing slaves based on Huck's internal dialogue in the book. He probably wouldn't realize he was being that racist because phrases and words in the book were normal when he wrote this. The books were published first in 1884.
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