Monday, September 29, 2014

Blog #6 Due: Monday 10/6/14

This week I want to know about the main character in your book. 
What is he or she like? Describe his/her personality. How does the author Characterize them? Give one example of the STEAL that we learned in class and tell us what Character traits are present in your character. Are they stubborn, snobby, compassionate, positive, etc.

Make sure to give me an example from the book to support your description. Don't forget to include the title of the book, author, and what page you are currently on. Make sure your post is at least 5 sentences. Remember to also respond to 2 other classmates!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Blog #5 Due: Monday 9/29/14

Remember to post author/title/page # of the current book you are reading.
Tell us one SPECIFIC thing you really like about your book and why.
Then tell us one SPECIFIC thing you really DON'T like about your book and why.
Remember that your comments should always be at least 5-7 detailed, insightful, sentences and include support from your book.
Do not forget to comment twice!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Blog #4 Due: Monday 9/22/14

Remember to post your book's title, author, and page #.
Choose two to three characters from your book and very briefly tell us who they are.
Then tell us what actors/actresses you would want to play the parts of the characters in your book if it were to be turned into a movie (you must choose famous people to play the roles). Include an explanation of why you chose each actor/actress.

If your book has already been turned into a movie please choose new actors/actresses to play the roles of your characters. Ex. If you are reading Twilight do not tell me Taylor Lautner should play Jacob.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Blog #3 due: Monday 9/15/14

Discuss a connection that you have discovered between your current book and your life.

Be sure to remind us of the book you are reading, the author, and what page you are currently on. Your response must be at least 5 sentences. 

Remember to then respond to a least two classmate's posts.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Blog #2 Due: Monday 9/9/14

Answer the following questions with at least 5 sentences: (1)What book are you currently reading and what page are you on? Make sure to include Title and Author (this should all be just 1 sentence). (2)What genre is your book? How do you know? (3)Are you enjoying the book so far? 
Remember to respond to at least two classmates posts.